English version
Pernille Lunde

Pernille Lunde


Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Lunde, Pernille ; Grimsmo, Jostein; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad ; Bye, Asta ; Finbråten, Hanne Søberg (2024). Health literacy in patients participating in cardiac rehabilitation: A prospective cohort study with pre-post-test design. International Journal of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention (IJCCRP). Vol. 22.

Lunde, Pernille ; Skoglund, Gyri ; Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt ; Hilde, Gunvor ; Bong, Way Kiat ; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad (2023). Think Aloud Testing of a Smartphone App for Lifestyle Change Among Persons at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Usability Study. JMIR Human Factors. Vol. 10.

Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad ; Lunde, Pernille (2022). Fysioterapeutens rolle i hjerterehabilitering. Fysioterapeuten. Vol. 22.

Lunde, Pernille ; Bye, Asta ; Bruusgaard, Kari A. ; Hellem, Elisabet ; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad (2022). Patients’ Experiences of Using a Smartphone App after Cardiac Rehabilitation: Qualitative Study. 9 s. JMIR Human Factors. Vol. 9.

Lunde, Pernille ; Bye, Asta ; Bergland, Astrid ; Grimsmo, Jostein; Jarstad, Even; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad (2020). Long-term follow-up with a smartphone application improves exercise capacity post cardiac rehabilitation: A randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC). Vol. 27.

Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad ; Lunde, Pernille ; Holm, Inger (2019). Implementation and evaluation of the Norwegian Ullevaal model as a cardiac rehabilitation model in primary care. 8 s. Disability and Rehabilitation. Vol. 41.

Lunde, Pernille ; Bye, Asta ; Bergland, Astrid ; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad (2019). Effects of individualized follow-up with a smartphone-application after cardiac rehabilitation: protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation. Vol. 11.

Lunde, Pernille ; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad ; Bergland, Astrid ; Bye, Asta (2019). Feasibility of a Mobile Phone App to Promote Adherence to a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle: Single-Arm Study. JMIR Formative Research. Vol. 21.

Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad ; Lunde, Pernille ; Grøgaard, Haakon Kiil; Holm, Inger (2018). Long-Term results of High-Intesity Exercise based Cardiac rehabilitation in Revascularized Patients for Symptomatic Coronary Artery Disease. American Journal of Cardiology. Vol. 121.

Lunde, Pernille ; Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad ; Bergland, Astrid ; Kvaerner, Kari Jorunn; Bye, Asta (2018). The effectiveness of smartphone apps for lifestyle improvement in noncommunicable diseases: Systematic review and meta-analyses. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Vol. 20.

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