Kort om
Dr Ranjan is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the OsloMet University, Oslo (Norway). He is working on the project entitled "The Currents and Consequences of Legal Innovations on The Rights of Rivers" funded by the Norwegian Research Council. His long-term research on "The Political Life of Memory: Birsa Munda in Contemporary India" is published by the Cambridge University Press in 2022. He is an editor of the book: "At the crossroads of Rights" published by the Routledge Press, London. He joined the project after finishing his PhD as a Louise Arbour fellow at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. Previously, he worked with the International Journal of Human Rights (Taylor and Francis) as an Associate Editor and continues to remain in the journal's editorial team. He also held a part-time position as the Social Media Coordinator for the "Human Rights Research Network" (HRRN), London (UK). Awards: 2021: Research Stay Abroad Award, Research Council of Norway 2020-2023: Norwegian Research Council Grant (OsloMet University) 2017-2020: Louise Arbour Doctoral Funding (University of London) 2017/18/19: Yusuf Ali Bursary Award (Institute of Commonwealth Studies) 2019: Stefanie Bursary Fieldwork Award 2018: Dame Lilian Penson Fund (UCL) Publication: 1. October 2021: Elizabeth Macpherson, Axel Borchgrevink, Rahul Ranjan, and Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta, "Where ordinary laws fall short: 'riverine rights'and constitutionalism", Griffith Law Review, DOI: 10.1080/10383441.2021.1982119 2. (202o) Politics of Symbolism: The Making of Birsa Munda’s Statue in Post-colonial Jharkhand, India, Journal of Global South (Brill Press), doi.org/10.1163/21983534-00701007 3. (2017) Unravelling the Narratives of Adivasi Dispossession: A Case Study of Land Acquisition in Nagri Village, Jharkhand. Development 60, 227–234.
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Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Macpherson, Elizabeth;
Borchgrevink, Axel
Ranjan, Rahul
; Vallejo Piedrahita, Catalina
Cuando la ley se queda corta: constitucionalismo y “derechos fluviales”.
Naturaleza y Sociedad. Desafíos Medioambientales.
Sundriyal, Yaspal; Kumar, Vipin; Chauhan, Neha; Kaushik, Sameeksha;
Ranjan, Rahul
; Punia, Mohit Kumar
Brief communication: The northwest Himalaya towns slipping towards potential disaster.
6 s.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
Vol. 23.
Ranjan, Rahul (2022). At the Crossroads of Rights Forest Struggles and Human Rights in Postcolonial India. ISBN: 9781003269458. 136 s. Routledge.
Ranjan, Rahul
; Kashwan, Prakash
The UN declaration on the rights of peasants, national policies, and forestland rights of India's Adivasis.
International Journal of Human Rights.
Macpherson, Elizabeth;
Borchgrevink, Axel
Ranjan, Rahul
; Vallejo P., Catalina
Where ordinary laws fall short: ‘riverine rights’ and constitutionalism.
36 s.
Griffith Law Review.
Vol. 30 .
Ranjan, Rahul
Politics of Symbolism: The Making of Birsa Munda’s Statue in Post-colonial Jharkhand, India.
Bandung: Journal of the Global South.
Vol. 130-161.