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Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Nielsen, Rasmus Sandy Harboesgaard (2024). Presentation of scientific paper titled "Retrospective school experiences and the link to political integration later in life: Young adults of diverse origins in Norway". 81st Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Midwest Political Science Association.
Nielsen Breidahl, Karen; Djuve, Anne Britt ; Kavli, Hanne Cecilie; Larsen, Christian Albrekt; Nielsen, Rasmus Sandy Harboesgaard (2024). Personal encounters with the frontline of the Nordic welfare state: The experiences of newly arrived refugees i Norway and Denmark. SLB2024: 5TH STREET-LEVEL BUREAUCRACY CONFERENCE. Universitetet i Aalborg.
Nielsen, Rasmus Sandy Harboesgaard (2023). Presentation of scientific paper titled "Public misperceptions about immigrant integration: More than just motivated reasoning?". ECPR General Conference 2023. European Consortium for Political Research.