Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Sagbakken, Mette
Ingebretsen, Reidun
Spilker, Ragnhild Anne Caroline Storste
How to adapt caring services to migration-driven diversity? A qualitative study exploring challenges and possible adjustments in the care of people living with dementia.
25 s.
Vol. 15.
Sagbakken, Mette ; Ingebretsen, Reidun ; Spilker, Ragnhild Anne Caroline Storste (2020). How to adapt caring services to migration-driven diversity? A qualitative study exploring challenges and possible adjustments in the care of people living with dementia. 25 s. PLOS ONE. Vol. 15. pone.0243803
Sagbakken, Mette
Spilker, Ragnhild Anne Caroline Storste
Ingebretsen, Reidun
Understanding dementia in ethnically diverse groups: a qualitative study from Norway.
Ageing & Society.
Spilker, Ragnhild Anne Caroline Storste
; Diaz, Esperanza
Experiences with a national strategy on migrant health in Norway.
European Journal of Public Health.
Vol. 28.
Sagbakken, Mette
Spilker, Ragnhild Anne Caroline Storste
; Nielsen, Thomas Rune
Dementia and immigrant groups: a qualitative study of challenges related to identifying, assessing, and diagnosing dementia.
14 s.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 18.
Sagbakken, Mette
Spilker, Ragnhild Anne Caroline Storste
Ingebretsen, Reidun
Dementia and Migration: Family Care Patterns Merging With Public Care Services.
Qualitative Health Research.
Vol. 28.