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Sanko Nguyen

Sanko Nguyen



Polymerkjemi   Galenisk farmasi   Legemiddelformulering   Legemidler   Farmasøytisk teknologi / farmasøytisk teknikk   Forebyggende tannhelse   Nanomedisin


Aktive forskningsprosjekter

  • Smart utvikling av nano-antibiotika

    Dette prosjektet handler om legemiddelutvikling av nye antibakterielle stoffer, såkalte bakteriosiner, ved bruk av nanoteknologi og kunstig intelligens.

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Amer, Ahmed ; Charnock, Colin ; Nguyen, Sanko (2025). The impact of surface charge on the interaction of cholesterol-free fusogenic liposomes with planktonic microbial cells and biofilms. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Vol. 669.

Amer, Ahmed ; Charnock, Colin ; Nguyen, Sanko (2024). Novel Teixobactin Analogues Show Promising In Vitro Activity on Biofilm Formation by Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. Current Microbiology. Vol. 81.

Nguyen, Sanko ; Hiorth, Marianne (2023). Intraorale formuleringer - moderne produkter og potensialet i fremtidige nanobaserte formuleringer. Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT). Vol. 5.

Bhandari, Madhavi ; Nguyen, Sanko ; Yazdani, Mazyar; Utheim, Tor Paaske ; Hagesæther, Ellen (2022). The Therapeutic Benefits of Nanoencapsulation in Drug Delivery to the Anterior Segment of the Eye: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Pharmacology. Vol. 13.

Nguyen, Sanko ; Escudero, Carlos; Sediqi, Nadia; Smistad, Gro; Hiorth, Marianne (2017). Fluoride loaded polymeric nanoparticles for dental delivery. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 104.

Nguyen, Sanko ; Smistad, Gro; Rykke, Morten; Hiorth, Marianne (2016). Nanoparticulate Systems for Dental Drug Delivery. Arias, Jose L. (Red.). Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery - volume II: Nano-Engineering Strategies and Nanomedicines Against Severe Diseases.. s. 52-74. CRC Press.

Nguyen, Sanko ; Adamczak, Malgorzata Iwona; Hiorth, Marianne; Smistad, Gro; Kopperud, Hilde Beate M. (2015). Interactions of liposomes with dental restorative materials. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. Vol. 136.

Nguyen, Sanko ; Hiorth, Marianne (2015). Advanced drug delivery systems for local treatment of the oral cavity. Therapeutic delivery. Vol. 6.

Nguyen, Sanko ; Hiorth, Marianne; Rykke, Morten; Smistad, Gro (2013). Polymer coated liposomes for dental drug delivery - Interactions with parotid saliva and dental enamel. 8 s. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 50.

Nguyen, Sanko ; Alund, Siv Jorunn; Hiorth, Marianne; Kjøniksen, Anna-Lena; Smistad, Gro (2011). Studies on pectin coating of liposomes for drug delivery. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. Vol. 88.

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