English version
Silje Hartberg

Silje Hartberg

Kort om

Bachelor i sykepleie. Master i folkehelsevitenskap.



Ungdom   Forebyggende helsearbeid   Frafall   Psykisk helse

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Lindstrøm, Jonas Christoffer; Wyller, Nora Guttormsgaard; Halvorsen, Marianne Moe; Hartberg, Silje ; LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2017). Psychometric properties of a Norwegian adaption of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11 in a sample of Parkinson patients, headache patients, and controls. 8 s. Brain and Behavior. Vol. 7.

Hartberg, Silje ; Clench-Aas, Jocelyne; Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti; LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER (2015). Coping strategies among adolescents with chronic headache and mental health problems: a cross-sectional population-based study. 11 s. SpringerPlus. Vol. 4.

Hartberg, Silje ; LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER; Clench-Aas, Jocelyne; Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti (2013). Adolescents with chronic headaches- mental health problems and coping patterns. The Journal of Headache and Pain. Vol. 14.

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