Engelsk litteratur EAP Aademisk engelsk
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Muir, Tom
The Visor Effect in Literary Geography: Reformation London in Zadie Smith and John Stow.
Literary Geographies.
Vol. 10.
Muir, Tom
And be but cryonically extant: Don DeLillo and Sir Thomas Browne.
21 s.
Textual Practice.
Vol. 37.
Muir, Tom
Solli, Kristin
"And Thou Shall Find your Path": The Manifesto in Doctoral Writing Development.
Journal of Academic Writing.
Vol. 12.
Solli, Kristin
Muir, Tom
EAP Pedagogies for Doctoral Students in Professional Fields.
MacDiarmid, Carole; MacDonald, Jennifer J. (Red.).
Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes: Teaching and Learning in International Contexts. s. 59-74.
Bloomsbury Academic.
Muir, Tom
Solli, Kristin
The Unreal and the Real: English for Research Purposes in Norway.
Corcoran, James N.; Englander, Karen; Muresan, Laura-Mihaela (Red.).
Pedagogies and Policies for Publishing Research in English: Local Initiatives Supporting International Scholars.
Muir, Tom
Writing and Risk: Magic, Occult, Exorcisms.
Journal of Academic Writing.
Vol. 8.
Muir, Tom
Three Views of a Secret: The "Mønsterlig".
Kvinder, Køn og Forskning.
Vol. 26.
Muir, Tom (2010). Without Remainder: Ruins and Tombs in Shakespeare's Sonnets. Textual Practice. Vol. 24.
Muir, Tom (2010). Spectres of Spenser: Translating the Antiquitez. Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual. Vol. 25.