Humaniora Etikk Sykepleievitenskap
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Myhrvold, Trine
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova
Undocumented migrants' life situations: an exploratory analysis of quality of life and living conditions in a sample of undocumented migrants living in Norway.
44 s.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).
Myhrvold, Trine (2018). Papirløse migranter; tilhørighet, omsorg og ansvar. Debesay, Jonas; Tschudi-Madsen, Christine (Red.). Migrasjon, helse og profesjon. s. 142-155. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Myhrvold, Trine
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova
The mental healthcare needs of undocumented migrants: an exploratory analysis of psychological distress and living conditions among undocumented migrants in Norway.
15 s.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).
Vol. 26.
Myhrvold, Trine
Marginalisation as a Possible Health Issue: an Exercise in Practice-Based Ethical Education.
16 s.
Etikk i praksis.
Vol. 6.
Myhrvold, Trine (2011). No one is illegal in one's own bare body; Political exclusion and and active cizenship. Migracôes.
Myhrvold, Trine (2010). Illegale ved sin blotte eksistens : om papirløse migranters helsestatus og behov for helsetjenster : en systematisk litteraturstudie. Vård i Norden. Vol. 30.
Myhrvold, Trine (2006). The different other - towards an including ethics of care. Nursing Philosophy. Vol. 7.
Myhrvold, Trine (2003). The exclusion of the other: challenges to the ethics of closeness. Nursing Philosophy. Vol. 4.