The Centre for Work Inclusion (KAI) has a goal to produce and disseminate knowledge to increase the employment opportunities of groups outside, or on the margins, of the labour market.
KAI is a collaboration with OsloMet and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV). The centre’s goal is to produce and disseminate knowledge to increase the employment opportunities of groups outside or on the margins of the labour market. KAI delivers important research and research (or literature) reviews and disseminates knowledge to the public, policy makers, professions, and the public sector and affiliated services. The centre’s research will also lead to new higher education programmes.
In OsloMet’s organization KAI is affiliated to the Faculty of Social Sciences. The centre’s director is the dean of faculty, Ann-Helén Bay. KAI consists of a steering group, an advisory group, a project group, research coordinators and administration. KAI’s board is composed of members from OsloMet and NAV.
KAI is organized as a network centre involving several faculties and centres at OsloMet. The advisory group is composed of faculty leaders and centres contributing to KAI’s research and education. This ensures commitment and shared ‘ownership’ of KAI across the different sections at OsloMet. The advisory group’s mandate is to discuss matters of strategic and principal character, and consists of Oddgeir Osland (leader), Ann-Helén Bay (Faculty of Social Sciences), Gro Jamtvedt (Faculty of Health Sciences), Hege Bentzen (Faculty of Health Sciences), Arild Steen (Work Research Institute), Ivan Harsløf (Faculty of Social Sciences) and Anne Britt Djuve (Faculty of Social Sciences).
KAI activities are coordinated by several academics. Professor Tone Alm Andreassen and Professor Espen Dahl coordinate research activities, and are heads of the core research group INTEGRATE. INTEGRATE was established as a collaboration between OsloMet and INN – Inland Norway University – with funding from the Norwegian Research Council to develop research on coordinated services in (re)integration of people on the margins of the labour market.
Professor Lars Inge Terum and associate professor Lise Kleppe coordinate development of education programmes of relevance to NAV, professionals involved in processes of labour market integration.
Senior researcher Øystein Spjelkavik and Arild Steen coordinates competence development about the interaction between public services and the employers and the workplaces.
See the Norwegian version of this web page for more information on KAI. You can find a link at the top of this page.