Norwegian version

Department of Vocational Teacher Education (YLU)

The department is the leading academic community for vocational pedagogy in Norway. We educate vocational teachers and traffic instructors, offer postgraduate certificate education for vocational teachers (PPU-Y), a master's degree in vocational pedagogy, and continuing and further education.

Approximate number of students

In 2023. Source: DBH

Approximate number of employees (full time equivalents)
Study offers
Research groups

About the department

The Department of Vocational Teacher Education is a part of the Faculty of Education and International Studies (LUI). We are located at Kjeller in Lillestrøm municipality. The department has a broad focus on research and development in close collaboration with workplaces, and does considerable contract work. 

Contact the department

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Anna Hagen Tønder is Head of Department. 

Study-related inquiries