Norwegian version
Picture from the quantum lab, with one of the quantum computers on the left, posters presenting the research project on the wall, and a bookshelf and screen on the right. In the foreground a table with a laptop.

The quantum computers get their own lab

OsloMet has got a gathering place for everyone interested in quantum computer technology, its own lab.

In this way, the quantum computers are made more accessible, perhaps mostly to the students, but also to employees and other stakeholders, in room PS340 at Pilestredet 35 in Oslo.

Emphasis has been placed on the room being attractive and usable, with graphics on the walls, a small library with books, theses and master's theses, and a meeting table with chairs.

Posters will show what research activities are carried out in the research group.

The two quantum computers will of course be the focal point.

A good screen will make it possible to discuss research related to quantum computers.

‘A separate room for the lab will make it easier to gather interested parties to meet,’ says Professor Sølve Selstø.

‘We have been missing a separate place to have the quantum computers, where we can also display them when there are visitors, for example from politicians.’

A postdoctoral researcher will be appointed, who will contribute to making quantum computers more accessible, and who will also be responsible for their operation. 

There are also plans to appoint someone who can work with information and communication, and administration.

The room will be shared with AI Lab and NordSTAR, which also has an interest in quantum computers.

The picture at the top of the article is from the lab, with one of the quantum computers on the left, posters showing current research, a bookshelf, and a screen where the research can be presented.

Read about the OsloMet Quantum Hub.


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Published: 22/08/2023 | Olav-Johan Øye