Norwegian version

Sub-strategy for Societal Improvement

We are a university that is easy to contact and collaborate with, and that also contributes with critical input and analysis of society.

We shall actively contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals with knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship in our fields of study.

National and international collaboration

OsloMet creates societal improvement through collaboration and the sharing of knowledge.

Collaborative activities shall focus on common issues relevant to both parties and be based on education and research where OsloMet has established academic environments with staff and students. Collaboration and partnerships shall be valued at OsloMet.

OsloMet shall

Communication and meeting places

The value of knowledge increases when it is shared and discussed. Therefore, good and sought-after meeting places are necessary.

The various meeting places OsloMet has already established with municipalities and businesses in the metropolitan region and internationally must be filled with relevant content.

OsloMet shall

Innovation and sustainability

Much of the knowledge at OsloMet is new and useful, and it shall also be utilised more effectively.

We have great insight into, and knowledge about, society’s challenges and have the expertise needed to create sustainable business and social development.

OsloMet shall

Strategy and sub-strategies

OsloMet’s University Strategy provides direction for the university towards 2050.

The University Strategy is designed to address key long-term societal challenges and areas where we are in a position to make distinctive contributions:

  • Durable welfare solutions
  • A well-functioning democracy
  • Sustainable development
  • Expertise for an unpredictable world

Sub-strategies have been developed to support the University Strategy. These provide direction for the university’s core tasks: education, societal improvements, and research and development towards 2030.

The sub-strategies apply to the entire university.

OsloMet’s faculties and centres develop strategic action plans for their operations and activities.

Other sub-strategies: