Norwegian version

Research and development

Research projects


    The project aims to give more women access to technology, digital skills and leadership positions.

  • FeLT- Futures of Living Technologies

    From a perspective of ecological crisis, FeLT engages in the relations and intersections that occur between human beings, living environments and machines.

  • Wasted Textiles

    Målet med prosjektet er å bidra til å redusere bruken av syntetiske tekstiler og mengden som kommer på avveie.

  • CrafHUB (the page is only in Norwegian)

Research publications

OsloMet launches PhD programme in Innovation for Sustainability

The University Board approved the establishment of a new doctoral programme in Innovation for Sustainability.

Part of yellow OsloMet-logo on a colourful building on campus.
Student drawing with pencil on a pencil portrait of a woman.
Fear of failure hinders creativity

“Making mistakes helps us learn and improve, and it is by making mistakes that we discover new ideas,” says OsloMet professor Ingeborg Stana.