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Beyond access: improving quality of early years reading instructions in Ethiopia
The objective of the project is to improve the quality of education for primary grades in Ethiopian schools.
Classroom activities for the six-year-olds – 20 years on (Klassprax_20)
The project investigates and evaluates the classroom activities of six year old children.
Critical thinking in primary education
KriT is an interdisciplinary project aiming at developing educational models for critical thinking in primary education using children’s literature and news.
Democracy, Equality, Learning and Mobilisation for Future Citizens (DEMOCIT)
The aim of DEMOCIT is to partake in reducing a growing civic empowerment gap within Norwegian democracy.
Developing ICT in Teacher Education (DiCTE)
The overarching aim of the project is to develop ICT in teacher education.
DigiGen – The Impact of Technological Transformations on the Digital Generation
DigiGen aims to develop knowledge about how children and young people use and are affected by the technological transformations in their everyday lives.
Educators and learners meet artificial intelligence
This project is dedicated to exploring both teachers' and students' perspectives on the implementation of artificial intelligence in an educational context.
Flipped classroom in science education (FiNa)
Flipped classroom in science education (FiNa) aims at developing and investigating learning design based on digitally supported flipped classroom in order to facilitate student active learning.
IMaT – Inclusive Mathematics Teaching: Understanding and developing school and classroom strategies for raising attainment
This project aims to strengthen mathematics teaching in Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools.
Literacies for Health and Life Skills
The “Literacies for Health and Life Skills” (HLS) project aims to develop and implement a new didactic approach that will enable pre-service teachers to facilitate the development of young people´s health and life skills.
Mathematics, Science and Computational Thinking (MASCOT)
MASCOT is an interdisciplinary, collaborative and innovative research collaboration that aims to develop knowledge about teaching, learning and assessment processes of computational thinking in teacher education and school.
Practical placement in the Global South
The purpose of the project is to enhance practical placement in the Global South to achieve a more stable and permanently increased number of students, based on a more quality-assured collaboration with the Global South.
Programming and makerspace in schools: Competences for the 21 st. century and adapted training for gifted students
The project is about developing technology-rich teaching programs for use in adapted education for gifted students.The focus is on the use of programming in teaching as part of a makerspace context.
Reinventing Mainstream Classrooms (RE.MA.C.)
The project brings together native language students, migrant students and mainstream (language) teachers.
Research about the Norwegian national school leadership education
Norwegian universities and colleges have since 2009 offered national school leadership programs on behalf of the Norwegian Directorate of Education.
Strengthening teacher education in lesser taught languages (STELT)
The main aim of the project is to strengthen foreign language teacher education for French, German and Spanish in Norway.
Supporting Content and Language Learning Across Diversity (SCALED)
The aim of the SCALED project is to develop a new online course: interactive and self-study mode that can be adapted to onsite use.
Teacher Education Panel Study (TEPS)
The study aims to create a comprehensive panel study infrastructure on the implementation of teacher education in Norway that traces both teacher education students, study programs, and institutions over time.
Teacher Qualification for the 21st century - teachers professional competence (TEQ21)
Future school and society are characterized by rapid changes and technological development, which in turn demand new competences such as creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. In order to meet these challenges, teacher education p
Teachers’ Research Literacy for Science teaching (TRELIS)
Project TRELIS aims to prepare research literate science teachers who are able to integrate research-based knowledge with classroom experience to develop rich science learning opportunities for pupils.
Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level (TRIBES)
The project aims at advancing collaboration between stakeholders to evolve and improve scientific measures and guides, building capacity across these challenged areas, working holistically towards ensuring integration.