Norwegian version

Organisation and Management

Research within the organization and management department spans across topics such as motivation and incentives, leader-member-relationships, organizational climate, virtual teams, health issues at work, gender and leadership, and work conditions for the self-employed.

The organization and management academic unit covers teaching and research across a range of organization and management issues with an emphasis on the human aspects in various contexts.

The unit covers expertise in organization, leadership and management in general including particular topics such as management of art and culture, leadership in professions and welfare agencies, project management, human resource management, communication in organizations, and facility management.

This unit is part of Oslo Business School.

Leader of the Academic Unit

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  • The Organizational Psychology Research Group (OrgPsych) is a research team dedicated to research including relational leadership, human resource management (HRM), work motivation, occupational health and well-being, virtual teams and processes, work climates and performance. The research group has published in top tier journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Leadership Quarterly. The OrgPsych Research Group is involved in several ongoing research projects with importance for both the academic field and for society, such as leader health and well-being, new ways of working – activity-based workplaces and remote working: implications for well-being and work relationships.
  • Our research within arts management covers a range of issues pertaining to the art and culture sector – organisation, leadership, economic and working conditions, audiences and marketing. Research focus has been working conditions and careers for artists, professional identities and leadership skills, as well as management of events and volunteers. We apply quantitative and qualitative, as well as mixed research methodologies. Our faculty has published in leading journals, including Leadership, The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Research Studies in Music Education, and Organizational Aesthetics. Our faculty has also published books and in anthologies on Oxford University Press, Routledge, Sage, Cappelen Damm Akademisk and Fagbokforlaget. Several publications cover artists and cultural workers’ coping with the Corona pandemic.
  • Our research group Professions and Organizations (POL) studies how professional practice is performed and transformed in organizations. Management and leadership in a professional context are topics of main interest. Do ideas about management and leadership wary in different professions and do institutional logics in the organizations collide with them? This intersectional field is a rather new research topic and the research group have scholars from different disciplines (mainly sociology and economy). A PhD, a book and several research articles are the result of the groups work so forth and we are now working on a book project with contributors from several different countries. Members of the group has contributed in journals such as British Journal of Sociology, Sociology, Professions and Professionalism, Human Service Organizations, Scandinavian Journal of Management.
  • Within HRM we further study workplace learning and skills in organizational contexts. Our research on HRM also covers strategic, institutional and international aspects of HRM as well as gender and diversity. Current topics include employee compensation and role of HR-department within organizations. Research in this area has been published in for example Strategic Management Journal and Journal of Workplace Learning.


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