The organization and management academic unit covers teaching and research across a range of organization and management issues with an emphasis on the human aspects in various contexts.
The unit covers expertise in organization, leadership and management in general including particular topics such as management of art and culture, leadership in professions and welfare agencies, project management, human resource management, communication in organizations, and facility management.
This unit is part of Oslo Business School.
Leader of the Academic Unit
- The Organizational Psychology Research Group (OrgPsych) is a research team dedicated to research including relational leadership, human resource management (HRM), work motivation, occupational health and well-being, virtual teams and processes, work climates and performance. The research group has published in top tier journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Leadership Quarterly. The OrgPsych Research Group is involved in several ongoing research projects with importance for both the academic field and for society, such as leader health and well-being, new ways of working – activity-based workplaces and remote working: implications for well-being and work relationships.
- Our research within arts management covers a range of issues pertaining to the art and culture sector – organisation, leadership, economic and working conditions, audiences and marketing. Research focus has been working conditions and careers for artists, professional identities and leadership skills, as well as management of events and volunteers. We apply quantitative and qualitative, as well as mixed research methodologies. Our faculty has published in leading journals, including Leadership, The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Research Studies in Music Education, and Organizational Aesthetics. Our faculty has also published books and in anthologies on Oxford University Press, Routledge, Sage, Cappelen Damm Akademisk and Fagbokforlaget. Several publications cover artists and cultural workers’ coping with the Corona pandemic.
- Our research group Professions and Organizations (POL) studies how professional practice is performed and transformed in organizations. Management and leadership in a professional context are topics of main interest. Do ideas about management and leadership wary in different professions and do institutional logics in the organizations collide with them? This intersectional field is a rather new research topic and the research group have scholars from different disciplines (mainly sociology and economy). A PhD, a book and several research articles are the result of the groups work so forth and we are now working on a book project with contributors from several different countries. Members of the group has contributed in journals such as British Journal of Sociology, Sociology, Professions and Professionalism, Human Service Organizations, Scandinavian Journal of Management.
- Within HRM we further study workplace learning and skills in organizational contexts. Our research on HRM also covers strategic, institutional and international aspects of HRM as well as gender and diversity. Current topics include employee compensation and role of HR-department within organizations. Research in this area has been published in for example Strategic Management Journal and Journal of Workplace Learning.
- Herbst, J. P., Williams, K., Tolstad, I. M., & Barber, S. (2024). The Benefits of Collaborative Popular Music Songwriting: A Spectrum of Artist-Songwriter Involvement. Popular Music and Society, 1–24 (
- Hagen, Aina Landsverk ; Engerbakk, Bjørk; Lorenzen, Sara Berge ; Tolstad, Ingrid M. (2024). Rebels in their own job: How digging into a municipal mystery turned invited youth participation in an urban planning process into uninvited activism. Children & society (
- Tolstad, Ingrid M. (2024). “The Numbers Don’t Lie!”: Metrics as Tools for Decision Making and Strategic Planning in Music Industry Organizations. Arditi, David; Nolan, Ryan (Red.). The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Music Industry Studies. s. 209-221. Palgrave Macmillan (
- Mayiwar, Lewend ; Erkin, Asutay; Gustav, Tinghög; Daniel, Västfjäll; Kinga, Barrafrem (2024). Determinants of digital well-being. AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication (
- Løhre, Erik; Chandrashekar, Subramanya Prasad; Mayiwar, Lewend ; Hærem, Thorvald (2024). Uncertainty, expertise, and persuasion: A replication and extension of Karmarkar and Tormala (2010). 12 s. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Vol. 113 (
- Jansson, Dag ; Døving, Erik ; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (2024). Serious musicking: choral pedagogy in ‘low-threshold’ choirs. Music Education Research. Vol. 26 (
- Koppang, Haavard; Hærem, Thorvald; Mayiwar, Lewend ; Pineda, Jaime A (2024). Physical and social warmth. 10 s. Royal Society Open Science. Vol. 11 (
- Mayiwar, Lewend ; Wan, Kai Hin; Løhre, Erik; Feldman, Gilad (2024). Revisiting representativeness heuristic classic paradigms: Replication and extensions of nine experiments in Kahneman and Tversky (1972). 24 s. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (QJEP) (
- Elstad, B., Døving, E. og Jansson D (2024): Personal strength and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of cultural workers in the music sector ( Psychology of Music.
- Nilsson AH, Schwartz HA, Rosenthal RN, McKay JR, Vu H, et al. (2024) Language-based EMA assessments help understand problematic alcohol consumption. PLOS ONE 19(3): e0298300 (
- Levinsson, H., Nilsson, A., Mårtensson, K. et al. (2024): Course design as a stronger predictor of student evaluation of quality and student engagement than teacher ratings ( Higher Education.
- Nilsson, A.H., Eichstaedt, J.C., Lomas, T. et al. The Cantril Ladder elicits thoughts about power and wealth. Scientific Reports 14, 2642 (2024) (
- Premru, M., Černe, M., & Buch, R. (2023). Where You Lead, I Will Follow: Leader–Member Exchange, Motivation to Lead and Employee Counterproductive Work Behavior ( SAGE Open, 13(4).
- Dag Jansson, Beate Elstad & Erik Døving (2023) Inescapably Les Misérables? Understanding the Sensemaking of the Artistic Precariat, The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 53:1, 62-79 (
- Kost, D., Kopperud, K., Buch, R., Kuvaas, B., & Olsson, U. H. (2023). The competing influence of psychological job control on family-to-work conflict. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, (
- Jansson, D. (2023). The aesthetics of subversion. Organizational Aesthetics, 12(1), 69-93 (
- Elstad, B., E. Døving og D. Jansson (2023): Å falle mellom alle stoler under koronapandemien. Kulturarbeidere med multiple tilknytningsformer til arbeidslivet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 26(1):1-16 (
- Kopperud, Karoline; Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Buch, Robert (2022). Engaging the age-diverse workforce: the interplay between personal and contextual resources.
- Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland (2022). Turning points in shaping choral conducting practice: six tales of Norwegian conductors’ professional development. Music Education Research (
- Elstad, B., Døving, E., & Jansson, D. (2022). Precariousness during an ongoing crisis. Cultural workers and the corona pandemic. Industrial Relations Journal, 53(2), 466–483. (
- Aagoth Elise Storvik & Bente Abrahamsen (2022). Shaping a career in management: the importance of gendered expectations, Journal of Education and Work, 35:8, 813-827 (
- Nygard, Ellen (2022). Renholdsoperatøren – kort og godt om renhold. ISBN: 9788211046611. Fagbokforlaget.
- Balsnes, A. H. & Jansson, D. (2022). Jeg kan ikke bli musikklærer hvis jeg ikke kan synge foran klassen min: Korsang i lærerutdanningen og utvikling av individuell sangtrygghet. Samsang gjennom livsløpet (MusPed:Research No. 5, kap. 7, s. 199–228). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. (
- Askim, Jostein; Døving, Erik; Johnsen, Åge (2021). Evaluation in Norway: A 25-Year Assessment. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration (
- Graff, P. H., Karlsen, E. K.; Lien, S. H.; Lindseth, W.; Nygard, Ellen (2021). Praktisk yrkesutøvelse. Fagbokforlaget (
- Elstad, Beate; Jansson, Dag; Døving, Erik (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Cultural Workers: Fight, Flight or Freeze in Lockdown? Salvador, Elisa (Red.). Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Routledge.
- Reindl, G., Lang, J. W. B., & Runge, J. M. (2021). Work Event Experiences: Implications of an Expanded Taxonomy for Understanding Daily Well-Being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (
- Jansson, Dag; Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Durrant, Colin (2021). The gesture enigma: Reconciling the prominence and insignificance of choral conductor gestures. Research Studies in Music Education (
- Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert; Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Glasø, Lars (2021). The impact of transformational leadership and interactional justice on follower performance and organizational commitment in a business context. Journal of General Management (
- Jansson, Dag (2021). Re-contextualising real-life learning to a university setting. Teaching in Higher Education (
- Skyttermoen, T., & Vaagaasar, A. L. (2021). Verdiskapende prosjektledelse. Cappelen Damm Akademisk (
- Jansson, Dag, Beate Elstad og Erik Døving (2021): Choral conducting competences: Perceptions and priorities. Research Studies in Music Education (
- Jansson, Dag, Erik Døving & Beate Elstad (akseptert 2021): The construction of leadership practice: Making sense of leader competencies. Leadership (
- Jansson, Dag & A. H. Balsnes (2021). Dilemmaer i skandinavisk korlederutdanning. I E. Angelo, J. Knigge, M. Sæther & W. Waagen (red.), Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research (s. 215–244). Cappelen Damm Akademisk (
- Kopperud, Karoline H, Robert Buch & C. Skogen (2021): Work overload and leader–member exchange: The moderating role of psychological flexibility. Journal of General Management, 46(3), 173-184 (
- Wong, S. I., Dominique Kost & C. Fieseler (2021). From crafting what you do to building resilience for career commitment in the gig economy. Human Resource Management Journal 2021 (
- Runge, J. M., Lang, J. W. B, Zettler, I., & Lievens, F. (2020). Predicting counterproductive work behavior: Do implicit motives have incremental validity beyond explicit traits? Journal of Research in Personality (
- Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Gunhild Wedum (2020): Bærekraftige forretningsmodeller og prosjektmodenhet i innovasjonsprosjekter. Magma, 23(7):79-90. (
- Andersen, I., Robert Buch & B. Kuvaas (2020). A literature review of social and economic leader–member exchange. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 1474 (
- Clegg, S., Torgeir Skyttermoen & A.L. Vaagaasar (2020). Project Management: A Value Creation Approach (
- Døving, Erik & Anita E. Tobiassen (2020). Realkompetansevurdering i norske kommuner. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training.
- Elstad, Beate, Erik Døving & Dag Jansson (2020): Usikkerhet i koronaens tid. En studie av kulturarbeidere med ulike tilknytningsformer til arbeidslivet. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, nr 4 (
- Elstad, Beate & Dag Jansson (2020): From Artist to Manager—Working Conditions, Career Satisfaction, and Professional Identity among Graduated Arts Management Students. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society (
- Kopperud, Karoline H., Nerstad, C. G., & Dysvik, A. (2020). Should i stay or should i go? The role of motivational climate and work–home spillover for turnover intentions. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1107 (
- Kost, Dominique, C. Fieseler & S.I. Wong (2020). Boundaryless careers in the gig economy: An oxymoron?. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(1), 100-113 (
- Kuvaas, B., Robert Buch & A. Dysvik (2020). Individual variable pay for performance, controlling effects, and intrinsic motivation. Motivation and Emotion (
- Kuvaas, B. & Robert Buch (2020). Leader self-efficacy and role ambiguity and follower leader-member exchange. Leadership & Organization Development Journal (
- Kuvaas, B., L. M. Shore, Robert Buch & A. Dysvik (2020). Social and economic exchange relationships and performance contingency: differential effects of variable pay and base pay. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(3), 408-431 (
- Jansson, Dag (2020). Taming the 'alpha-male' in the space between art and business, Organizational Aesthetics, 9(2), 4-19 (
- Jansson, Dag, & A. H. Balsnes (2020). Choral conducting education: The lifelong entanglement of competence, identity and meaning. Research Studies in Music Education (
- Jansson, Dag & A.H. Balsnes (2020). Korlederens kompetanse, utdanning og praksis-konturene av en meta-teori. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 4(1) (
- Nerstad, Christina G. L., M. Caniëlis, G. Roberts & A.M. Richardsen (2020). Perceived motivational climates and employee energy: the mediating role of basic psychological needs. Frontiers in Psychology 2020.
- Nerstad, Christina G., Robert Buch, A. Dysvik & R. Säfvenbom (2020). Stability of individuals’ definitions of success and the influence of perceived motivational climate: a longitudinal perspective. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 1326 (
- Nerstad, Christina G. L., S.I. Wong & A.M. Richardsen (2019): Can engagement go awry and lead to burnout? The moderating role of the perceived motivational climate. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healths.
- Steindórsdóttir, B.D., Christina G. L. Nerstad, K.T. Magnusdottir (2020): What makes employees stay? Mastery climate, psychological need satisfaction and on-the-job embeddedness. Nordic Psychology (
- Thompson, G., Robert Buch & L. Glasø (2020). Abusive retaliation of low performance in low-quality LMX relationships. Journal of General Management (
- Wong, S. I., C. Fieseler & Dominique Kost (2020). Digital labourers’ proactivity and the venture for meaningful work: Fruitful or fruitless? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (
- Abrahamsen, B & Aagoth Storvik (2019): Nursing students' career expectations: gender differences and supply side explanations. Nursing Research and Practice.
- Buch, Robert, B. Kuvaas & A. Dysvik (2019). The role of other orientation in reactions to social and economic leader–member exchange relationships. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(3), 296-310 (
- Jansson, Dag, Beate Elstad & Erik Døving (2019): Universality and situatedness in educating choral conductors. Music Education Research (
- Jansson, Dag (2019). Choral singers' perceptions of musical leadership. In The Oxford handbook of singing. G. Welch, D. Howard and J. Nix. Oxford (eds.), Oxford University Press (
- Kopperud, Karoline (2019). Ledelse og selvinnsikt. I: Haugan, Jan Arvid; Kvello, Øyvind (Red.). Selvinnsikt og profesjonalitet.. Fagbokforlaget.
- Storvik, Aagoth E. L. & B. Abrahamsen (2019): Karriereforventninger under glasstaket: Kvinner i starten av en ingeniørkarriere. Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling.
- Thompson, G., Robert Buch & L. Glasø (2019). Servant leadership, span of control, and outcomes in a municipality context. Journal of General Management, 44(2), 87-95.
- Vandewalle, D., Christina G. L. Nerstad & A. Dysvik (2019). Goal orientation: A review of the miles traveled and the miles to go. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior.