The probability of young people ending up with debt problems is linked to their parents’ socioeconomic background.
We offer research and education within social sciences, with direct relevance to society and working life.
The faculty offers study programmes within social work, social policy and child welfare, business and public management, journalism and media studies, and archivistics, library and information science. The education we give is research-based. Our faculty members conduct research with direct relevance to society and working life.
Our bachelor's programmes are in Norwegian, but we offer several courses in English for exchange students.
Most of our master's programmes are in Norwegian, but we offer courses in English for exchange students.
The Faculty of Social Sciences is located in Pilestredet 35, Pilestredet 48 and Stenbergsgata 26 in the centre of Oslo.
The probability of young people ending up with debt problems is linked to their parents’ socioeconomic background.
A close look at the principles governing the management of Norway’s oil fund shows that it may run out in two generations or less.
Norway and many other European countries have robust social safety nets. Yet they continue to fail their poorest citizens.
The Child Welfare Services has faced intense criticism over the past decade. While the agency has made mistakes, it continues to improve in its mission to protect children and support parents.
Researchers and experts in the field of interviewing children are using artificial intelligence to develop new training methods for the police and the Child Welfare Services.