Norwegian version
Four youths are heading towards some steps.


Transform is a research group building on transdisciplinary approaches to media, communication, urbanity, sustainability, housing and citizen engagement in municipalities within and beyond higher education and research.

We bring together researchers, students and citizens who are engaged in new forms of participation and co-research in a community context, innovative media expressions and inclusive dissemination of co-created knowledge. 

The research group focuses on research questions that deal with media communication and works across disciplines such as art, communication, drama, media production and product development, as well as social anthropology, human geography, and other humanities subjects. In our research also non-academics are involved in developing research questions, approaches and methods. 

The research group is based on a view of knowledge that is interpersonal, relational, creative, and processual. 

The group is based on a long-term collaboration between the Department of Journalism and Media Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences), NOVA and the Work Research Institute (AFI) at the Center for Welfare and Labour Research (SVA) at Oslo Metropolitan University, and citizens and employees from districts and municipalities in the larger Oslo region.

Heads of research group

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More about the research group

Central research questions for the group are interdisciplinary and cross-professional, but also inspired by involved residents from local surroundings, of all ages. The group shines a spotlight on new actors as mediators of media expressions, mediation involving different professions, as well as expressions that are created by actors from the same or different professional backgrounds. It develops knowledge about, by and including young residents, available research methodologies and training.

Transform is thus a researcher- and citizen-oriented community across professional disciplines, units/institutions, organizations, and local actors, whose ambition is to carry out solid research of good, empirical quality with dissemination of findings that people identify with and are involved in. 


The research group is active in media development and innovation both as action researchers and teachers. Here are some examples of such projects that we have initiated:


The researchers in Transform are particularly concerned with method development and experimentation across subject areas and disciplines, but also in co-creation with practitioners and citizens. We have carried out large collaborative projects where youth and young adults have been actively involved in developing methods around citizen social science, Participatory Action Research and art-based approaches:

Cooperation with municipalities

The research group has a long tradition of collaborating with Norwegian municipalities to build knowledge and find solutions to regional and local challenges related to youth exclusion and youth crime:


The researchers in Transform have carried out and ongoing initiatives linked to inclusion, participation (in Norwegian: medvirkning) with young people and young adults in Norway, the Nordic countries and internationally. Here you find some of the results: