Norwegian version

Søndre media

This project will empower youths to stay engaged in public expression and participation.

Søndre Media is going to establish a media service, by and for young people at Holmlia, a media lab, and a training program on public expression and publishing. 

This project works to increase the interest and involvement of multicultural youth in the social debate. By using the young people's own experiences and ideas, Søndre Media explores how they can improve their media skills and understanding of social issues. The project is also important for further developing media education, so that students and researchers better understand and can handle cultural diversity.

Søndre Media collaborates with various courses at OsloMet that focus on multicultural issues and social development.

More about the project

The motivation for the project is to, in collaboration with youth, understand what type of media content engages multicultural youth, set the agenda from their perspective and offer training in production, text and visual facilitation that they feel is necessary.

The youths also have the opportunity for editorial discussions with subject teachers and students from the Department of journalism and media studies about angle, profile, genre, visual design, and other aspects that are relevant to their social involvement and experiences of growing up in a multicultural context.


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The project is a collaborative and development project between the inter-institutional research group Media Practice at the Department of Journalism and Media Studies (JM), which includes members from:

  • the Center for Welfare and Working Life Research (SVA)
  • the Department of Art, Design and Drama and the Faculty of Technology, Art and design (TKD)
  • Students from the Department of Journalism (JM) and Media Studies and the Department of Art, Design and Drama (EST)
  • existing initiatives at the district of Søndre Nordstrand for communication with youth environments