Part-time job complementing the study programme
We met the future geotechnical engineers in the laboratory at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), where they both work part-time alongside their studies at OsloMet.
Sajida believes that the work she does in the lab gives her an advantage in her studies.
"There are several instances where I have already gained practical experience before it has become part of the curriculum. I then feel like I am a bit ahead and can more easily understand the theory in the lecture hall," she explains.
Sajida spends much time in the lab analysing soil samples from Norwegian and international projects. Photo: Krister Jung-Lian
They are pleased about the opportunity to be close to skilled professionals.
"The best thing about NGI is the people," say Sajida and Maryam.
"I feel very confident that no question is too stupid. There is generally a very good environment here," adds Maryam.