Showing: 29 of 29
Aesthetics and Special Needs – Nordic Childhoods (BLH3310, BLH3320)
Choices of Sustainability Transitions (UTVB2500)
Crash Course in Norwegian Language and Culture
Culture and Identity – Nordic Childhoods (BLH3210, BLH3220)
Development and Migration (UTVB2100)
Digital Citizenship (MAIKT4300)
Digital School Development and Project Management (MAIKT4100)
Early Years: Child Care for Children Under Three Years (MBH4320)
Education and Religion in Development (UTVB2200)
English in Teacher Education
Fairytales and Creativity - Nordic Childhoods (BLH3250, BLH3330)
ICT-Supported Development and Education in the South (MAIKT-EDU)
International Connections and International Sign among Deaf People
Introduction to International Development, Education, and Sustainabilities (FLKM4110)
Introduction to the Development Enterprise (UTVB3003)
Knowledge Production and the Global South (FLKM4210)
Media and Development (UTVB2400)
Multimodal Design (MAIKT-STI )
Norwegian Language for Foreign Students – Beginner Level
Norwegian Language for Foreign Students – Intermediate Level
Participatory Design (MAIKT-DESIGN)
Pedagogical Innovation and Prototyping (MAIKT4200)
Philosophy of Science and Research Methods (MGVM4100)
Play, Movement, Nature and Outdoor Education – Nordic Childhoods (BLH3340)
Research Methodology (FLKM4410)
Struggles for justice and equality in international development, education and sustainabilities (FLKM4310)
Sustainability in Education - Place, Justice, and Environmental Awareness