This PhD programme is multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary building on applied mathematics and physics, technology and engineering—and the interplay between these. The programme has an applied profile distinguishing it from more discipline-based PhD programmes at other Norwegian universities.
Application procedures and admission requirements
Admission requirements
Norwegian master's degree in an engineering discipline, applied mathematics or physics worth 120 ECTS.
Admission may also be granted candidates with a background in other disciplines, subject to individual assessment, provided the totality of the application for admission shows a strong link to Engineering Science.
A statement describing the link to Engineering Science will be required for such candidates.
Foreign degree-equivalent in an engineering discipline, applied mathematics or physics, equivalent to a master's degree in the Norwegian higher education system.
In cases where the foreign master’s degree does not comprise 120 ECTS, admission may be granted subject to individual assessment, provided the qualification presented grants access to PhD studies in the country of origin.
Admission may also be granted candidates with a background in other disciplines, subject to individual assessment, provided the totality of the application for admission shows a strong link to Engineering Science. A statement describing the link to Engineering Science will be required for such candidates.
On an A – E grading scale, a grade average of at least C on the bachelor's degree, an average of at least B on the master's degree and at least a B on the master's thesis is required for admission.
Application deadline
Admission to this PhD programme is continuous.
You can read more about
- Detailed information about admission (
- Admission to PhD programme at Faculty for Technology, Art and Design (TKD) (
- Supplementary guidelines for the PhD in engineering science (
Application for single PhD courses
The single PhD courses are only for PhD candidates.
Internal PhD candidates sign up for the courses in StudentWeb (
External PhD candidates apply through Søknadsweb ( Search up PhD courses – TKD Autumn 2024 and upload required documentation such as:
- certified copy of admission to a PhD programme
- programme summary of approximately one A4 sized sheet including information about your PhD project, topic, method, theoretical approach, and why this course will be relevant for your project
About the programme
This PhD programme is tailored to meet national and international societal needs for forward-thinking expertise within the aforementioned areas, related to digitalisation, health-technology, information security, sustainability, environment etc.
The academic environment and research groups connected to the programme, and the course portfolio that is offered, are specially designed to accommodate society’s needs for candidates who know how to enable technologies.
The programme will be at the research frontier within the areas offered for study and as such provide readiness to understand and develop solutions to progressive technological challenges such as digitalisation of health and welfare services, the green shift, advanced building technology, urbanisation and digital vulnerability.
The PhD programme has a nominal length of three years of full-time study and comprises 180 ECTS. The working language of the programme is English.
The training component comprises 30 ECTS (10 ECTS are granted for compulsory courses, 20 ECTS are granted for elective courses) and the research component (dissertation) comprises 150 ECTS.
The compulsory courses focus on ethical and methodological issues within engineering science.
In addition, a number of elective courses of specialisation within different areas of engineering science are offered. Students may also apply to take elective courses at other institutions.
This PhD is related to the engineering departments at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design: Department of Computer Science, Department of Mechanical, Electronic and Chemical Engineering, and Department of Built Environment — and to Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering (SimulaMet).
Programme description
For more information about this PhD programme, take a look at the programme description for the PhD programme in Engineering Science (
Single courses
The application process is different for internal and external applicants.
Internal applicants
If you are already admitted to one of the faculty's doctoral programmes (Engineering Science or Innovation for Sustainability), choose courses and register your participation through the Studentweb (
External applicants
If you are admitted to a PhD programme at another institution or have completed your master's degree, this is the application process for external applicants.
Course overview
Course listing
PhD projects
The programme will contribute to educate candidates in advanced engineering science in order to meet national and international social and economic goals.
Norway educates too few doctoral candidates in the STEM-area in general (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). It is therefore considerable demand for candidates with a doctorate in engineering disciplines both in the private and public sector, as well as in research institutions and higher education.
The Oslo and Akershus region currently has more than 90 000 work places related to technology, and the employment in this sector is increasing. Work life in general will in the future be further influenced by enduring technological development.
You will be attractive for a vast number of jobs in both the private and public sector. With a doctoral degree in Engineering Science, you are also qualified to an academic carrier.
Academic coordinator
Questions about this programme?
You can contact us by e-mail if you have any questions regarding this programme.
More about research education at OsloMet
- Information about research training at OsloMet (
- Resource page for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (
- PhD on track ( An online resource for PhD candidates and researchers.