Learn about the fundamentals of solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and mechatronics with applications in green energy, design, robotics, offshore, and oil and gas.
Semester start
Admission requirements
To apply for this programme you must have one of these:
- a bachelor's degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Aeronautical, Aerospace, Civil, Mechatronics/Robotics or Energy and Environment in Buildings) or a bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics or Physics, and at least 21 ECTS in mathematics (excluding statistics)
- a bachelor's degree in Engineering in the disciplines of Electronics, at least 21 ECTS in mathematics (excluding statistics) and 15 ECTS in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and mechatronics
- a bachelor's degree in Engineering in the disciplines of Chemistry or Biotechnology, at least 21 ECTS in mathematics (excluding statistics) and 21 ECTS in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and mechatronics
You need an average grade of at least C (according to the ECTS grading scale) on your bachelor's degree.
You also need one of the following:
- English from a Norwegian or Nordic upper secondary school and a bachelor's degree from Norway or the Nordic countries
- at least 4 in English from Norwegian upper secondary school
- proof of your English proficiency
How to apply
You apply via Søknadsweb, where you fill in your details and upload all the required documents.
Application deadlines:
- 1 March: early admission for applicants from the European Union, the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, and for non-EU/EEA citizens with a Norwegian national ID number residing in Norway
- 15 April: ordinary admission for applicants from the European Union, the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, and for non-EU/EEA citizens with a Norwegian national ID number residing in Norway
Programme cost
For students from the EU/EEA/EFTA the only cost of this programme is the semester fee (student.oslomet.no) of approximately NOK 1,000, which you pay each semester of the programme. For these students there are no tuition fees.
Programme content
The Master’s Programme in Mechanical Engineering will train you to adopt new technology and develop innovative and sustainable solutions in, for example, green energy sources, machine design, health technology, robotics, offshore and underwater technology, fisheries, and oil and gas.
This requires multidisciplinary expertise, and this programme is unique in that it provides broad knowledge and competence.
Engineering physics and mathematical principles are combined in the mechanics of solids and fluids, thermodynamics, materials science, design, structural analysis and electricity.
The programme consists of nine courses in total, seven of which are compulsory and two of them elective. All courses consist of 10 ECTS credits. In addition, there is a master’s thesis of 30 credits.
You must first complete the compulsory courses and then specialise in either solid-state mechanics, fluid mechanics or mechatronics through the choice of elective courses and the MSc thesis.
How the programme is taught
You will have a variety of
- lectures
- practical laboratory and computer laboratory work
- project work
- written presentations, reports and oral presentations
- teamwork
Programme structure
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Outgoing mobility
You can go on an exchange during your third semester or while you write your master’s thesis in fourth semester.
You can find information about exchange on our student website
Incoming mobility
If you want to add an international dimension to your educational path by spending a mobility period abroad, OsloMet is pleased to welcome you. You should select courses counting for at least 30ECTS if you intend to stay for one semester, and 60ECTS if you intend to stay for two semesters.
Find further information about the available courses and how to apply.
This programme will qualify you for jobs in industry and the public sector.
Examples of relevant jobs could include:
- Designer and analyst in solid mechanics, for example stress analyst, FE specialist, stress mechanical engineer in oil and gas, and engineer in functions related to wind energy, defence, acoustics, robotics, medical engineering and automotive.
- Design engineer and analyst in fluid mechanics, theoretical and computational fluid dynamics expert, and experimentalist in oil and gas, aerospace, defence, subsea, hydraulics and diving.
- Designer and analyst in mechatronics and robotics, mechanism designers, machinery operator, and control system analyst and maintenance officer in medical robotics, automation and autonomous subsea systems.
- Consultant, adjunct supervisor and advisor to government boards and private companies, policy advisor and situation analyst.
- Project leader, principal, and top managerial functionary in public or private sectors related to associated industrial sectors.
- Project leader, governmental or municipal official for infrastructure and production plants.
- Researcher within solid mechanics, fluid mechanics or mechatronics.
Further studies at OsloMet
Questions about studying at OsloMet
You can contact us by e-mail with any questions about studying at OsloMet, applying and life as a student.
If you have specific questions about the degree you can contact the faculty directly.