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Krisehåndtering i et polysentrisk nordisk lokaldemokrati: Ulike styringsstrukturer – ulike resultater? (POLYGOV)

Det overordnede målet med prosjektet er å identifisere forskjellene i de nordiske landenes håndtering av koronapandemien, resultatene av den, og å knytte disse forskjellene til offentlig politikk, styring, organisasjon og ledelse.

De nordiske kommunene er viktige for å håndtere kriser i samfunnet. Strategiene vedtas kanskje sentralt, men de iverksettes lokalt. POLYGOV-prosjektet er en sammenlignende studie av krisehåndtering, organisering og funksjonsmåten til lokaldemokratiene på Island, Norge, Sverige, Finland og Danmark med bakgrunn i den ulike håndteringene av COVID-19-pandemien.

Tesen som leder prosjektet er at landenes institusjonelle valg med hensyn til lokal og regional styring er viktige faktorer for å forstå deres evne til å organisere, koordinere og håndtere COVID-19-pandemien. Prosjektet sammenligner de lokale og regionale koordinerings- og håndteringsstrategiene som ble brukt da pandemien utspilte seg fra mars 2020 til dags dato, inkludert vaksinasjonsstrategiene.

Komparative analyser

Det unike med prosjektet er at det utnytter det eksepsjonelle læringspotensialet som ligger i en komparativ analyse av institusjonelle data og data om faktisk kriseatferd i de nordiske styringssystemene. Det overordnede målet er å identifisere forskjellene i de nordiske landenes håndtering av pandemien, resultatene av den, og å knytte disse forskjellene til offentlig politikk, styring, organisasjon og ledelse.

Resultatvariablene inkluderer lokal ulikhet i helse (sykdom, død og vaksinasjon) og sosial sikkerhet (økonomiske og sosiale tiltak).

Fire perspektiver

Håndteringen av pandemien studeres gjennom fire perspektiver: juridisk, folkehelse, styring og organisering. Det empiriske grunnlaget er nordiske rettskilder, flere kvantitative datasamlinger (spørreundersøkelser og registerdata) samt strategiske casestudier.

Prosjektet vil gi kunnskap om hvordan man på en god måte opprettholder og videreutvikler bærekraftig demokratisk lokal og regional styring i kriser.

Forskerteamet består av forskere fra ni nordiske universiteter i de fem nordiske landene, inkludert Færøyene, Grønland og Åland.

Prosjektdeltakere ved OsloMet

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  • Universitetet i Oslo, Norge
  • Universitetet i Agder, Norge
  • Linköping Universitet, Sverige 
  • University of Akureyri, Island 
  • University of Helsinki, Finland 
  • VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd, Danmark
  • University of the Faroe Islands, Færøyene 
  • University of Greenland, Grønland 


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Ackrén, M. (2024). Greenland. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ackrén, M. (2024). The Åland Islands. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Baldersheim, H. & Haug, A.V. (2024). COVID pandemic and the Nordic model of local governance - high stakes, high risks. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Baldersheim, H. & Haug, A.V. (2024). Towards Place-Sensitive Crisis Management? Pandemic Policies in Five Nordic Countries. In: New Perspectives on Intergovernmental Relations. Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Baldersheim, H., & Haug, A. V. (2024).  Multi-level governance: a helping hand from the state, or centralisation of crisis responses? In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Baldersheim, H., Haug, A.V. & Eythórsson G.T. (2024): Citizen trust in local government in the Nordic Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Baldersheim, H., Haug, A.V., Hye, L. & Øgård, M. (2024). Norway: decentralised crisis management. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Eythórsson, G. T. (2024). Iceland: COVID-19 handling strategy in Iceland: centralised and expert-led. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Foged, S. K., & Houlberg, K. (2024). Denmark - centralised crisis management and loyal implementation". In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Garcia, F., Järnland, E., Nordensvärd, J., Sommar, C., & Wihlborg, E. (2024). Sweden: relaxed crisis management. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Godenhjelm, S. (2024). Finland: prepared yes, but sufficiently agile? In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Godenhjelm, S., & Ackrén, M. (2024). The chain of municipal governance in crisis. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Haug, A. V., & Baldersheim, H. (2024). Conclusions and implications. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Haug, A. V., Baldersheim, H., & Sefton, T. (2024). How (un)reasonable were the pandemic measures according to citizens? In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Haug, A. V., Nordensvärd, J., & Wihlborg, E. (2024). Civil society: a resource for local crisis governance? In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Heggebø, K., & Pedersen, A. W. (2024). How severe was the COVID-19 pandemic in the Nordic countries? In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Heggebø, Kristian ; Pedersen, Axel West (2023). The Norwegian Welfare State Adjusting to Crisis: Temporary Changes in Unemployment Benefit Regulations during the COVID-19 Pandemic and their Long-Term Implications. Takle, Marianne; Vedeler, Janikke Solstad; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Bøhler, Kjetil Klette; Falch-Eriksen, Asgeir (Red.). Citizenship and Social Exclusion at the Margins of the Welfare State. s. 48-63. Routledge.

Heggebø, Kristian; Elstad, Jon Ivar (2024). Health-related exit from employment before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: Analysis of population-wide register data 2013–2021. 10 s. SSM - Population Health. Vol. 25.

Houlberg, K., & Foged, S. K. (2024). Who contributed and to what extent? In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Hye, L., & Øgård, M. (2024). Leadership at the apex in times of crises: who is running the show? In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Hye, L., & Øgård, M. (2024). Modes of local crisis management: is there a Nordic model? In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries.

Justinussen, J. C. S., & Olavson, R. (2024). The Faroese COVID-19 response: testing and soft law". In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Nguyên Duy, I., & Stokstad, S. (2024). Legal framework and rule of law. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Nordensvärd J, Sefton T, Godenhjelm S. Interpreting the state–citizen nexus in contemporary Nordic legal and social citizenship: the case of divergence in restriction on freedom of movement as a mitigation policy in the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. 2023;39(1):28-41.

Nordensvärd, J., Sommar, C., & Wihlborg, E. (2024). The communicative climate: municipal leaders’ experiences. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Wihlborg, E., Garcia, F. & Haug, A.V. (2024). Keep a distance - go online! Digitalisation for crisis responses and its lasting consequences. In Are V. Haug (ed.) Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19. Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing.