English version
Anne Eikeland

Anne Eikeland

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Aamodt, Ina Marie Thon ; Stubberud, Dag-Gunnar ; Eikeland, Anne ; Sunde, Kristin Westgaard ; Petersen, Frigg Johanne Jahren; Hammer, Sandra Karoliussen; Halvorsen, Kristin (2025). Critical care nurses role and scope of practice during a global crisis: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing.

Christiansen, Bjørg ; Averlid, Gertrud M; Baluyot, Cynthia; Blomberg, Karin ; Eikeland, Anne ; Finstad, Ingrid Rachel Strand ; Holm Larsen, Monica; Lindeflaten, Katrin (2020). Challenges in the assessment of nursing students in clinical placements: Exploring perceptions among nurse mentors. 8 s. Nursing Open.

Averlid, Gertrud M; Eikeland, Anne (2019). Vurdering av studentenes handlingskompetanse i anestesi- og intensivsykepleie. Christiansen, Bjørg; Jensen, Kari Toverud; Larsen, Kristian (Red.). Vurdering av kompetanse i praksisstudier - En vitenskapelig antologi. s. 146-162. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Johannessen, Gudrun; Eikeland, Anne ; Stubberud, Dag-Gunnar ; Fagerstrøm , Lisbeth (2011). A descriptive study of patient satisfaction and the structural factors of Norwegian intensive care nursing. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. Vol. 27.

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