Fysioterapi Epidemiologi medisinsk og odontologisk statistikk Fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Solbakken, Liss Marita; Sundseth, Antje;
Langhammer, Birgitta
Brovold, Therese
Are physiotherapists and occupational therapists following the guidelines for discharge summary?-An analysis of the content of physiotherapists' and occupational therapists' discharge summaries and their adherence to stroke guideline recommendations.
Vol. 19.
Sefastsson, Annika; Marklund, Ingela; Littbrand, Håkan; Wester, Per; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie; Sörlin, Ann;
Langhammer, Birgitta
; Liv, Per; Hu, Xiaolei
Positive effects of lower extremity constraint-induced movement therapy on balance, leg strength and dual-task ability in stroke patients: a longitudinal cohort study.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Vol. 56.
Pajalic, Zada; Saplacan, Diana;
Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina
; Moen, Helga Wallin; Naustdal, Iril; Rao, Nima; Haj Yasein, Nadia; Kulla, Gunilla;
Princeton, Daisy M
Langhammer, Birgitta
; Tecirli, Gülcan;
Kisa, Sezer
What are the disadvantages of having a foreign background as a female academic and working at a university in Europe?.
Social Sciences & Humanities Open.
Vol. 8.
Grzegorz, Bielec; Gozdziejewska, Anna;
Langhammer, Birgitta
; Borysławski, Krzysztof
Body Composition of Master Swimmers before and after the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study.
10 s.
Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Vol. 12.
Debesay, Jonas
Langhammer, Birgitta
Nortvedt, Line
Eldre innvandrerkvinner har dårligere helse enn resten av befolkningen.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien.
Vol. 111.
Kleffelgård, Ingerid; Andelic, Nada;
Bruusgaard, Kari A.
Langhammer, Birgitta
; Tamber, Anne-Lise;
Søberg, Helene L.
Dizziness-Related Disability One Year after a Mild-to-Moderate TBI—A Follow-Up Study.
Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Vol. 12.
Wong, Yih; Jervell, Ada Louise Heyerdahl; Månum, Grethe;
Langhammer, Birgitta
Upper limb practice with a dynamic hand orthosis to improve arm and hand function in people after stroke: a feasibility study.
7 s.
Pilot and Feasibility Studies.
Vol. 9.
Svinøy, Odd-Einar
Hilde, Gunvor
Langhammer, Birgitta
; Halsen, Katrine Knotten
Better before—better after: A qualitative phenomenology study of older adults’experiences with prehabilitation before total hip replacement.
Orthopedic Nursing.
Vol. 42.
Solbakken, Liss Marita;
Langhammer, Birgitta
; Sundseth, Antje;
Brovold, Therese
Transitional care for patients with acute stroke—a priority-setting project.
11 s.
Health Expectations.
Vol. 25.
Langhammer, Birgitta
; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Indredavik, Bent; Askim, Torunn
Perceived Caregiver Strain, 3- and 18-Month Poststroke, in a Cohort of Caregivers from the Life after Stroke Trial (LAST).
7 s.
Nursing Research and Practice.
Vol. 2022.