Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter
Crosscare-Old: A cross sectoral approach to high quality healthcare transitions for older people
Prosjektets hovedmål er å utvikle ny forskningsbasert kunnskap om tverrsektorielle omsorgs- og helsetjenesteoverganger for eldre pasienter fra sykehusutskriving til kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester.
Effekten av eit tverrprofesjonelt læringsprogram på brukarmedverknad blant eldre personar i korttidsrehabilitering: Ein kvasi-eksperimentell studie.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Sjølie, Hege
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
; Hempel, Marte Fjelnseth
Attachments or Affiliations? The Impact of Social Media on the Quality of Peer Relationships—A Qualitative Study Among Norwegian High School Students.
Youth & society.
Lunde, Pernille
Skoglund, Gyri
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Hilde, Gunvor
Bong, Way Kiat
Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad
Think Aloud Testing of a Smartphone App for Lifestyle Change Among Persons at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Usability Study.
JMIR Human Factors.
Vol. 10.
Hartford Kvæl, Linda Aimee
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Assuring patient participation and care continuity in intermediate care: Getting the most out of family meetings using the four habits model.
10 s.
Health Expectations.
Vol. 25.
Nortvedt, Line
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Sjølie, Hege
Young peoples' involvement in welfare service development—Is voice enough?—A thematic synthesis of qualitative studies.
Health Expectations.
Skoglund, Gyri
Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Bergland, Astrid
Hilde, Gunvor
Facilitators and barriers for lifestyle change in people with prediabetes: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies.
27 s.
BMC Public Health.
Vol. 22.
Lærum-Onsager, Ellisiv
Molin, Marianne
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Bye, Asta
Debesay, Jonas
; Hestevik, Christine Hillestad;
Bjerk, Maria
Pripp, Are Hugo
Effect of nutritional and physical exercise intervention on hospital readmission for patients aged 65 or older: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
14 s.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Vol. 18.
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Bergland, Astrid
Bye, Asta
Debesay, Jonas
Langaas, Anne
Crossing knowledge boundaries: health care providers’ perceptions and experiences of what is important to achieve more person-centered patient pathways for older people.
BMC Health Services Research.
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Bergland, Astrid
Debesay, Jonas
Bye, Asta
Langaas, Anne
Patient Flow or the Patient’s Journey? Exploring Health Care Providers’ Experiences and Understandings of Implementing a Care Pathway to Improve the Quality of Transitional Care for Older People.
Qualitative Health Research.
Vol. 31.
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Debesay, Jonas
Bergland, Astrid
Bye, Asta
Langaas, Anne
What matters when asking, “what matters to you?” — perceptions and experiences of health care providers on involving older people in transitional care.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 20.
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Bergland, Astrid
Debesay, Jonas
Bye, Asta
Langaas, Anne
Striking a balance: Health care providers’ experiences with home-based, patient-centered care for older people—A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies.
Patient Education and Counseling.
Vol. 102.