Utdanningsledelse Prosjektledelse Undervisningsplanlegging Ledelse og lederutvikling Komparative og internasjonale utdanningsstudier Internasjonal, komparativ utdanning Flerkulturell lærerutdanning Studier av lærerutdanning HIV AIDs og utdanning Indigenous knowledge ODL og Høyere utdanning Internasjonalisering av Høyere utdanning Utdanningskvalitet
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Khanal, Peshal;
Carm, Ellen
Shifting the Paradigm in Higher Education.
Students’ Progression towards ICT-Supported Learning in a Resource-Constrained Environment in Nepal.
Carm, Ellen; Johannesen, Monica; Luitel, Bal Chandra; Øgrim, Leikny; Phyak, Prem (Red.).
Innovative Technologies and Pedagogical Shifts in Nepalese Higher Education.
Brill | Sense.
Carm, Ellen ; Johannesen, Monica ; Luitel, Bal Chandra; Øgrim, Leikny ; Phyak, Prem (2021). Reflections and Culminations. Carm, Ellen; Johannesen, Monica; Luitel, Bal Chandra; Øgrim, Leikny; Phyak, Prem (Red.). Innovative Technologies and Pedagogical Shifts in Nepalese Higher Education. s. 253-261. Brill | Sense. https://doi.org/ 10.1163/9789004448865_014
Carm, Ellen
Johannesen, Monica
Øgrim, Leikny
Appropriation of Online Distance Learning in Nepal.
Carm, Ellen; Johannesen, Monica; Luitel, Bal Chandra; Øgrim, Leikny; Phyak, Prem (Red.).
Innovative Technologies and Pedagogical Shifts in Nepalese Higher Education. s. 42-61.
Brill | Sense.
Carm, Ellen
Johannesen, Monica
; Luitel, Bal Chandra;
Øgrim, Leikny
; Phyak, Prem
Innovative Technologies and Pedagogical Shifts in Nepalese Higher Education.
ISBN: 9789004448865.
266 s.
Brill | Sense.
Carm, Ellen (2020). Promising innovations in Nepalese teacher professional development through the application of ICT and open and distance learning. Bista, Krishna; Shyam, Sharma; Latiner Raby, Rosalind (Red.). Higher Education in Nepal, Policies and Perspectives. s. 262-291. Routledge.
Carm, Ellen
Exploring a third space for sustainable educational development-HIV/AIDS prevention, Zambia.
14 s.
Vol. 10.
Horntvedt, Tone;
Carm, Ellen
Internationalization - A Tool to Enhance Intercultural Competence in Higher Education.
Deem, Rosemary; Eggins, Heather (Red.).
The University as a Critical Institution?. s. 173-185.
Brill | Sense.
Carm, Ellen
; Horntvedt, Tone
Internationalisation of Higher Education: On Whose Terms?.
Dent, Samuel; Lane, Laura; Strike, Tony (Red.).
Collaboration, communities and competition : international perspectives from the academy. s. 15-30.
Brill | Sense.
Carm, Ellen
Johannesen, Monica
Øgrim, Leikny
Creating conditions for dialogue and
inclusion of diverse epistemologies
in distance education; ICT as a tool
for fostering new and innovative
teaching methods.
Slykhuis, David; Marks, Gary (Red.).
Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015. s. 2226-2238.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Carm, Ellen
Inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge System(IKS) - A precondition for Sustainable Development.
Journal of Education and Research.
Vol. 4.