English version
Elizabeth Peacocke

Elizabeth Peacocke

Kort om

Jeg er helsesystemerforsker og ansatt som PhD-kandidat i seksjonen for offentlig administrasjon og styring. Stipendet mitt fokuserer på innbyggere deltakelse i helse rikspolitikken.


Før OsloMet har jeg jobbet ved Folkehelseinstituttet og New Zealands helsedepartement.


Kunnskapsoppsomering, kvalitativ forskning, kritisk realisme.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Gopinathan, Unni; Peacocke, Elizabeth ; Abankwah, Daniel Nana Yaw; Aryeetey, Genevieve C; Glenton, Claire; Khisa, Peninah N; Koduah, Augustina; Ram, Ravi; Nonvignon, Justice; Nzinga, Jacinta; Ottie-Boakye, Doris; Pakenham-Walsh, Neil M; Tsofa, Benjamin; Waithaka, Dennis; Lewin, Simon Arnold (2024). Using evidence from civil society in national and subnational health policy processes: a qualitative evidence synthesis. 22 s. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Vol. 2024.

Bidonde, Julia; Lauvrak, Vigdis; Ananthakrishnan, Aparna; Kingkaew, Pritaporn; Peacocke, Elizabeth (2024). Topic identification, selection, and prioritization for health technology assessment in selected countries: a mixed study design. 16 s. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation. Vol. 22.

Dale, Elina; Peacocke, Elizabeth F. ; Movik, Espen; Voorhoeve, Alex; Ottersen, Trygve; Kurowski, Christoph; Evans, David B.; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Gopinathan, Unni (2023). Criteria for the procedural fairness of health financing decisions: a scoping review. Health Policy and Planning. Vol. 38.

Peacocke, Elizabeth ; Fusheini, Adam; Norris, Pauline (2023). Community pharmacists’ views about prescription medicine co-payments and potential implications for equitable access to medicines: a critical realist interpretation. 16 s. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Vol. 16.

Theu, Joe Alex; Kabaghe, Alinune Nathanael; Bello, George; Chitsa-Banda, Evelyn; Kagoli, Matthews; Auld, Andrew; Mkungudza, Jonathan; O'Malley, Gabrielle; Bangara, Fred Fredrick; Peacocke, Elizabeth Fleur ; Babaye, Yusuf; Ng'ambi, Wingston; Saussier, Christel; MacLachlan, Ellen; Chapotera, Gertrude; Phiri, Mphatso Dennis; Kim, Evelyn; Chiwaula, Mabvuto; Payne, Danielle; Wadonda-Kabondo, Nellie; Chauma-Mwale, Annie; Divala, Titus Henry (2022). SARS-CoV-2 Prevalence in Malawi Based on Data from Survey of Communities and Health Workers in 5 High-Burden Districts, October 2020. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Vol. 28.

Heupink, Lieke Fleur; Peacocke, Elizabeth ; Sæterdal, Ingvil von Mehren; Chola, Lumbwe; Frønsdal, Katrine Bjørnebek (2022). Considerations for transferability of health technology assessments: a scoping review of tools, methods, and practices. 11 s. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. Vol. 38.

Peacocke, Elizabeth ; Myhre, Sonja Lynn; Foss, Hakan; Gopinathan, Unni (2022). National adaptation and implementation of WHO Model List of Essential Medicines: A qualitative evidence synthesis. 23 s. Nature Methods. Vol. 19.

Bidonde Torre, Maria Julia; Meneses Echavez, Jose Francisco; Asare, Brian; Chola, Lumbwe; Gad, Mohamed; Heupink, Lieke Fleur; Peacocke, Elizabeth ; Ackon, Angela; Dolphyne, Akuba Kwansima; Ruiz, Francis; Sæterdal, Ingvil von Mehren; Espeland, Anna Lien; Skjønsberg, Eia Elena ; Johansen, Marit (2022). Developing a tool to assess the skills to perform a health technology assessment. 12 s. BMC Medical Research Methodology. Vol. 22.

Peacocke, Elizabeth ; Heupink, Lieke Fleur; Frønsdal, Katrine Bjørnebek; Dahl, Elin Hoffmann; Chola, Lumbwe (2021). Global access to COVID-19 vaccines: A scoping review of factors that may influence equitable access for low and middle-income countries. 10 s. BMJ Open. Vol. 11:e0495005.

Odoch, Walter Denis; Dambisya, Yoswa; Peacocke, Elizabeth Fleur ; Sandberg, Kristin Ingstad; Hembre, Berit Sofie Hustad (2021). The role of government agencies and other actors in influencing access to medicines in three East African countries. Health Policy and Planning. Vol. 36.

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