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Fabrizio Palumbo

Fabrizio Palumbo

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Biermann, Daniel; Palumbo, Fabrizio ; Goodwin, Morten ; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer (2024). Streamlining Attention for Text Classification: Sequence Length Reduction with Pooling Attention. Bramer, Max; Stahl, Frederic (Red.). Artificial Intelligence XLI: 44th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2024. s. 61-73. Springer.

Aaby, Pernille; Biermann, Daniel; Yazidi, Anis ; Borges Moreno e Mello, Gustavo ; Palumbo, Fabrizio (2023). Exploring Multilingual Word Embedding Alignments in BERT Models: A Case Study of English and Norwegian. Bramer, Max; Stahl, Frederic (Red.). Artificial Intelligence XL: 43rd SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2023. s. 47-58. Springer.

Fridman, Marina; Krøvel, Roy ; Palumbo, Fabrizio (2023). How (not to) Run an AI Project in Investigative Journalism. 18 s. Journalism Practice.

Krøvel, Roy ; Palumbo, Fabrizio ; Orgeret, Kristin (2023). Introduction: Understanding Roots and Betweenness Defining Safety of Journalists as a Sub-Field of Research. Reading between the Lines. Journalism Studies. Vol. 24.

Opalic, Sven Myrdahl; Palumbo, Fabrizio ; Goodwin, Morten ; Lei, Jiao; Nielsen, Henrik Kofoed; Kolhe, Mohan Lal (2023). COST-WINNERS: COST reduction WIth Neural NEtworks-based augmented Random Search for simultaneous thermal and electrical energy storage control. 9 s. Journal of Energy Storage. Vol. 72.

Palumbo, Fabrizio ; Buji, Adam; Yazidi, Anis ; Haugerud, Hårek (2022). Genetic Algorithms For Tightening Security. Ukjent, Ukjent (Red.). Proceedings of the 14th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

Lien, Henrik; Biermann, Daniel; Palumbo, Fabrizio ; Goodwin, Morten (2022). An Exploration of Semi-supervised Text Classification. Iliadis, Lazaros; Jayne, Chrisina; Tefas, Anastasios; Pimenidis, Elias (Red.). Engineering Applications of Neural Networks - 23rd International Conference, EAAAI/EANN 2022. s. 477-488. Springer Nature.

Palumbo, Fabrizio ; Serneels, Bram; Yaksi, Emre (2021). Optimized protocol for conditioned place avoidance learning in juvenile zebrafish. STAR Protocols. Vol. 2.

Fore, Stephanie Liesbeth; Acuna Hinrichsen, Francisca Daniela; Mutlu, Aytac Kadir; Bartoszek-Kandler, Ewelina Magdalena; Serneels, Bram; Faturos, Nicholas Guy; Chau, Khac Thanh Phong; Cosacak, Mehmet Ilyas; Diaz Verdugo, Carmen; Palumbo, Fabrizio ; Ringers, Christa; Jurisch-Yaksi, Nathalie; Kizil, Caghan; Yaksi, Emre (2020). Functional properties of habenular neurons are determined by developmental stage and sequential neurogenesis. Science Advances.

Palumbo, Fabrizio ; Serneels, Bram; Pelgrims, Robbrecht; Yaksi, Emre (2020). The Zebrafish dorsal habenula is required for updating learned behaviors. Cell reports. Vol. 32.

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