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Hege Tunsjø

Hege Tunsjø


Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Tunsjø, Hege ; Ullmann, Ingvild Falkum; Charnock, Colin (2023). A preliminary study of the use of MinION sequencing to specifically detect Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in culture swipes containing multiple serovars of this species. Scientific Reports. Vol. 13.

Senthakumaran, Thulasika ; Moen, Aina Elisabeth Fossum; Tannæs, Tone Møller; Endres, Alexander; Brackmann, Stephan Andreas; Rounge, Trine Ballestad; Bemanian, Vahid; Tunsjø, Hege (2023). Microbial dynamics with CRC progression: a study of the mucosal microbiota at multiple sites in cancers, adenomatous polyps, and healthy controls. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Vol. 42.

Tingstad, Ragna Husby; Norheim, Frode Amador; Haugen, Fred; Feng, Yuan Zeng; Tunsjø, Hege ; Thoresen, G. Hege; Rustan, Arild Christian; Charnock, Colin ; Aas, Vigdis (2021). The effect of toll-like receptor ligands on energy metabolism and myokine expression and secretion in cultured human skeletal muscle cells. 13 s. Scientific Reports. Vol. 11.

Ullmann, Ingvild Falkum; Nygaard, Anders Benteson; Tunsjø, Hege ; Charnock, Colin (2020). Whole genome sequencing and antibiotic diffusion assays, provide new insight on drug resistance in the genus Pedobacter. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. Vol. 96:fiaa088.

Myhrstad, Mari ; Tunsjø, Hege ; Charnock, Colin ; Telle-Hansen, Vibeke (2020). Dietary fiber, gut microbiota, and metabolic regulation-current status in human randomized trials. Nutrients. Vol. 12:859.

Nygaard, Anders Benteson; Tunsjø, Hege ; Meisal, Roger; Charnock, Colin (2020). A preliminary study on the potential of Nanopore MinION and Illumina MiSeq 16S rRNA gene sequencing to characterize building-dust microbiomes. Scientific Reports. Vol. 10.

Ullmann, Ingvild Falkum; Tunsjø, Hege ; Andreassen, Monica; Nielsen, Kaare Magne ; Lund, Vidar; Charnock, Colin (2019). Detection of Aminoglycoside Resistant Bacteria in Sludge Samples From Norwegian Drinking Water Treatment Plants. 12 s. Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 10.

Tunsjø, Hege ; Gundersen, Gro; Rangnes, Fredrik; Noone, John Christopher; Endres, Alexander; Bemanian, Vahid (2019). Detection of Fusobacterium nucleatum in stool and colonic tissues from Norwegian colorectal cancer patients. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Vol. 38.

Senthakumaran, Thulasika ; Brandal, Lin Cathrine T.; Lindstedt, Bjørn-Arne; Jørgensen, Silje Bakken; Charnock, Colin ; Tunsjø, Hege (2018). Implications of stx loss for clinical diagnostics of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Vol. 37.

Tunsjø, Hege ; Kalyanasundaram, Sumana; Charnock, Colin ; Leegaard, Truls Michael; Moen, Aina Elisabeth Fossum (2018). Challenges in the identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus argenteus by routine diagnostics. APMIS - Journal of Pathologiy, Microbiology and Immunology. Vol. 126.

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