Barnevern Sosialpedagogikk Sosialt arbeid
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Solem, May-Britt
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie
; Brannen, Julia; Phoenix, Ann
Transitions to Adulthood of ‘At Risk’ Young Men: New Analysis from Two Norwegian Qualitative Longitudinal Studies.
Children & society.
Vol. 34.
Herland, Mari Dalen;
Helgeland, Ingeborg
Negotiating motherhood: women with troubled upbringings and their self-conceptions as mothers.
Child & Family Social Work.
Vol. 22.
Herland, Mari Dalen; Hauge, Mona-Iren;
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie
Balancing fatherhood: Experiences of fatherhood among men with a difficult past.
Qualitative Social Work.
Vol. 14.
Helgeland, Ingeborg
Participation and protection of youngsters with serious behavior problems in Norwegian child welfare services.
Bass, Loretta E.; Kinney, David A. (Red.).
The Well-Being, Peer Cultures and Rights of Children. s. 257-286.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie (2011). Participation and Protection of Youngsters with serious behavior problems in Norwegian Shild Welfare Services. 18 s. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth. Vol. 14.
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie
What works? A 15-year follow-up study of 85 young people with serious behavioral problems.
7 s.
Children and Youth Services Review.
Vol. 32.
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie (2009). Ungdom med alvorlige atferdsvansker - deltakelse og formynderskap i barnevernet. 12 s. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 12.
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie
What works?A 15-year follow-up study of 85 young people with behavioral problems.
Children and Youth Services Review.
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie (2009). "Definisjon av situasjonen" - et metodologisk perspektiv. William Isaac Thomas'studier av atferd,sosiale problemer og sosial endring. Fontene forskning.
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie (2009). Ungdom i alvorlig trøbbel. Veier til forandring. ISBN: 978-82-15-01441-8. 170 s. Universitetsforlaget.