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Jan Oddvar Kleppe

Jan Oddvar Kleppe



Algebra/algebraisk analyse   Matematikk og naturvitenskap   Matematikk

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar ; Miró-Roig, Rosa M. (2025). Schur powers of the cokernel of a graded morphism. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. Vol. 229.

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar ; Miro-Roig, Rosa Maria (2023). DEFORMATION AND UNOBSTRUCTEDNESS OF DETERMINANTAL SCHEMES. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 286.

Christophersen, Jan Arthur; Kleppe, Jan Oddvar (2019). Comparison theorems for deformation functors via invariant theory. Collectanea Mathematica. Vol. 70.

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar (2018). Families of artinian and low dimensional determinantal rings. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. Vol. 222.

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar ; Miro-Roig, Rosa Maria (2017). The Representation Type of Determinantal Varieties. Algebras and Representation Theory. Vol. 20.

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar (2016). The Hilbert scheme of space curves sitting on a smooth surface containing a line. 16 s. Rendiconti del circolo matematico di Palermo. Vol. 66.

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar ; Miro-Roig, Rosa M. (2016). On the normal sheaf of determinantal varieties. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. Vol. 2016.

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar ; Ottem, John Christian (2015). Components of the Hilbert scheme of space curves on low-degree smooth surfaces. 30 s. International Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 26.

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar (2014). Deformations of modules of maximal grade and the Hilbert scheme at determinantal schemes. Journal of Algebra. Vol. 407.

Kleppe, Jan Oddvar (2012). The Hilbert Scheme of Buchsbaum space curves. 32 s. Annales de l'Institut Fourier. Vol. 62.

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