English version
Jonas Debesay

Jonas Debesay

Kort om


Profesjonelt arbeid
Aldring og sykepleie
Interkulturelle perspektiver


Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Stray, Karoline ; Wibe, Torunn; Debesay, Jonas ; Bye, Asta (2024). Older adults’ perceptions and experiences of interprofessional communication as part of the delivery of integrated care in the primary healthcare sector: a meta-ethnography of qualitative studies. BMC Geriatrics. Vol. 24.

Lillekroken, Daniela ; Bye, Asta ; Halvorsrud, Liv ; Terragni, Laura ; Debesay, Jonas (2024). Food for Soul—Older Immigrants’ Food Habits and Meal Preferences After Immigration: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Vol. 26.

Debesay, Jonas ; Wille, Elisabeth (2024). Helsesykepleierens kultursensitive samtale med ungdom med flerkulturell bakgrunn i skolen. Heggen, Kristin; Kirkevold, Marit (Red.). Sykepleiefaglige arbeids- og tenkemåter En caseorientert bok. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Shrestha, Sunita; Arora, Sanjana ; Hunter, Alistair; Debesay, Jonas (2024). Aging in place or aging out of place? Family caregivers’ perspectives on care for older Pakistani migrants in Norway. European Journal of Ageing. Vol. 21.

Shrestha, Sunita; Arora, Sanjana ; Hunter, Alistair; Debesay, Jonas (2024). The Morality of Care: Female Family Caregivers’ Motivations for Providing Care to Older Migrants. 15 s. Qualitative Health Research.

Shrestha, Sunita; Hunter, Alistair; Debesay, Jonas ; Arora, Sanjana (2024). Intergenerational ambivalence among families with a migrant background caring for older relatives. Journal of Migration and Health. Vol. 10.

Kristiansen, Pia Cathrin; Bastien, Sheri; Debesay, Jonas ; Fagernes, Mette (2024). How and why do healthcare workers use gloves in two Norwegian nursing homes?. Journal of Hospital Infection. Vol. 146.

Debesay, Jonas ; Langhammer, Birgitta ; Nortvedt, Line (2023). Eldre innvandrerkvinner har dårligere helse enn resten av befolkningen. Tidsskriftet sykepleien. Vol. 111.

Tsesmetsis, Cecilie; Debesay, Jonas (2023). Helsehjelp til papirløse migranter. Sykepleien Forskning. Vol. 18.

Arora, Sanjana ; Debesay, Jonas ; Eslen-Ziya, Hande (2023). Gendered COVID-19 discussions on Twitter: a Norwegian case. Online information review (Print).

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