English version
Joron Pihl

Joron Pihl



Andre pedagogiske fag


Diskursanalyse   Lærerutdanning   Kritisk multikulturalisme   Diskursteori   Flerkulturelle utdanningsstudier   Lese- og skriveopplæring   Profesjonelt skjønn   Etniske relasjoner   Kritisk teori   Rasisme   Inkludering og ekskludering av minoriteter   Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Pihl, Joron (2023). Lystlesingens betydning. Bøyum, Idunn; Tveit, Åse Kristine (Red.). Rom for lesing og utforsking:Skolebibliotekets muligheter. s. 203-233. ABM-media AS.

Pihl, Joron ; Holm, Gunilla; Riitaoja, Anna-Leena; Jón Ingvar, Kjaran; Carlson, Marie (2018). Nordic discourses on marginalisation through education. Education Inquiry. Vol. 9.

Pihl, Joron ; Carlsten, Tone Cecilie; Kooij, Kristin Skinstad van der (2017). Why Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century?. Pihl, Joron; Kooij, Kristin Skinstad van der; Carlsten, Tone Cecilie (Red.). Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century. s. 1-22. Brill | Sense.

Pihl, Joron ; Kooij, Kristin Skinstad van der; Carlsten, Tone Cecilie (2017). Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century. ISBN: 9789463008976. 152 s. Brill | Sense. Vol. 6.

Eri, Thomas ; Pihl, Joron (2017). The challenge of sustaining change: contradictions within the development of teacher and librarian collaboration. 17 s. Educational Action Research. Vol. 25.

Pihl, Joron ; Kooij, Kristin Skinstad van der (2016). Desire and becoming - Multilingual Pupils' Reading Experiences. Rothbauer, Paulette; Skjerdingstad, Kjell Ivar; McKechnie, Lynne (E.F.); Oterholm, Knut (Red.). Plotting the reading experience. Theory/practice/politics. s. 301-316. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Pihl, Joron (2015). Epistemological and Methodological Challenges in Research Concerning Youth at the Margins. Bastien, Sheri; Holmarsdottir, Halla Bjørk (Red.). Youth ‘At the Margins’: Critical Perspectives and Experiences of Engaging Youth in Research Worldwide. s. 41-63. Brill | Sense.

Tonne, Ingebjørg; Pihl, Joron (2015). Morphological Correspondences in the Reading-Writing Relation among L2 Learners. The Reading Matrix. Vol. 15.

Pihl, Joron (2014). Lese- og skrivekyndighet og leseengasjement i flerkulturelle skoler. Moen, Bente Bolme (Red.). Kulturelt og etnisk elevmangfold i skolen. s. 39-56. Fagbokforlaget.

Tonne, Ingebjørg; Pihl, Joron (2013). The second-language pupil, reading tests and literature-based teaching [translation of "Andrespråkseleven, leseprøver og litteraturbasert leseopplæring", se https://oda.hioa.no/en/andresprakseleven-leseprover-og-litteraturbasert-leseopplaering]. Nordand – Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning. Vol. 8.

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