Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Halvorsen, Knut
van der Wel, Kjetil A.
Har oljen bidratt til å svekke arbeidsmoralen i Norge?.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.
Vol. 21.
van der Wel, Kjetil A.
Saltkjel, Therese
; Chen, Wen-Hao;
Dahl, Espen
Halvorsen, Knut
European health inequality through the Great Recession: Social policy matters.
Sociology of Health and Illness.
Vol. 40.
Halvorsen, Knut
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
Tøge, Anne Grete
A Critical Perspective on Child Care and Social Investment in Norway: Whats in Children’s Best Interest?.
Midgley, James; Dahl, Espen; Wright, Amy Conley (Red.).
Social Investment and Social Welfare. International and Critical Perspectives. s. 177-195.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Saltkjel, Therese
Ingelsrud, Mari Holm
Dahl, Espen
Halvorsen, Knut
A fuzzy set approach to economic crisis, austerity and public health. Part II: How are configurations of crisis and austerity related to changes in population health across Europe?.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Vol. 45.
Dahl, Espen
Saltkjel, Therese
Ingelsrud, Mari Holm
Halvorsen, Knut
A fuzzy set approach to economic crisis, austerity and public health. Part I. European countries' conformity to ideal types during the economic downturn.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Vol. 45.
Halvorsen, Knut (2017). Sosiale problemer. ISBN: 978-82-450-2272-8. 330 s. Fagbokforlaget.
Halvorsen, Knut
Economic, Financial, and Political Crisis and Well-Being in the PIGS-Countries.
Sage Open.
Vol. October-December.
Dahl, Espen
Tøge, Anne Grete
Heggebø, Kristian
Elstad, Jon Ivar
; Berg, John Erik;
Halvorsen, Knut
Er økonomisk krise ensbetydende med helsekrise - hva forteller forskningen?.
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.
Vol. 18.
van der Wel, Kjetil A.
Halvorsen, Knut
The bigger the worse? A comparative study of the welfare state and employment commitment.
Work, Employment and Society.
Vol. 29.
Halvorsen, Knut (2014). Velferd - fra ide til politikk for et godt samfunn. ISBN: 978-82-02-44345-0. 340 s. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.