Filosofi Politisk teater Anvendt teater Kunstfilosofi Anvedt teater Teaterpedagogikk Prosessdrama Lek og drama i barnehagen Drama i skolen Teater i undervisningen - TIU Drama og barnelitteratur Lacan DRAMA OG TEATER dramatisk lek Teater for de yngste Teater og demokrati
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Amoiropoulos, Konstantinos (2024). Challenging Theseus, challenging the curriculum: how the TIE programme of ‘Minotaur’ relates to the school curriculum. Bolton, Christopher; Ballin, Ben (Red.). Creating ‘Schools of Recovery’ testing a partnership model with theatre at its heart . s. 44-69. Big Brum TIE Company.
Amoiropoulos, Konstantinos (2024). Site B: Seeking a contemporary approach for drama. 6 s. Journal for Drama In Education. Vol. 38.
Amoiropoulos, Konstantinos
Change and Transformation in Drama: Circumventing Denial through the Case of
Edward Bond.
SARACALOĞLU, Asuman Seda; GÜNDOĞDU, Kerim; AKAR VURAL, Ruken; ALTIN, Üyesi Mehmet (Red.).
11th International Congress On Curriculum & Instruction
"Curricula In Line With Current Developments: Education For All"
Tam Metin Bildiri Kitabı / Full-Text Congress Proceedings.
EPÖDER Yayınları /EPÖDER Publications Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Derneği /Turkish Association of Curriculum and Instruction Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi.
Amoiropoulos, Konstantinos (2022). An interrupted discussion with Bill Roper. Journal for Drama In Education. Vol. 36.
Amoiropoulos, Konstantinos (2022). Approaching the real: Attempts in early years classrooms. Journal for Drama In Education. Vol. 36.