English version
Mads Mysen

Mads Mysen




Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (2021). Demand-controlled ventilation in schools: Influence of base ventilation rates on subjective symptoms, perceived indoor environment and young adults' learning performance. Cao, Guangyu; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Kim, Moon-Keun; G. Schild, Peter (Red.). Healthy Buildings 2021 – Europe Proceedings of the 17th International Healthy Buildings Conference 21-23 June 2021 . s. 613-618. SINTEF akademisk forlag.

Yang, Aileen; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Resvoll, Marie Opsahl; Mysen, Mads ; Fjellheim, Øystein (2021). Temperature-dependent ventilation rates might improve perceived air quality in a demand-controlled ventilation strategy. Building and Environment. Vol. 205.

Opsahl Resvoll, Marie; Yang, Aileen; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Mysen, Mads (2020). Is there an optimal CO2 and temperature control demand controlled ventilation strategy to provide the best perceived air quality?. et al., , (Red.). The 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate ONLINE | From November 1, 2020. s. 477-482. International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate.

Rabani, Mehrdad ; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera ; Nord, Natasa; Schild, Peter ; Mysen, Mads (2019). Performance assessment of all-air heating in an office cubicle equipped with an active supply diffuser in a cold climate. Building and Environment. Vol. 156.

Haugland, Martine Borgen; Yang, Aileen; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (2019). Demand-controlled ventilation: do different user groups require different CO2-setpoints?. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 609.

Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (2019). Effect of ventilation on perceived air quality in 18 classrooms. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 609.

Walnum, Harald Taxt; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Mysen, Mads ; Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Sørnes, Kari (2019). Developing a scenario calculator for smart energy communities in Norway: Identifying gaps between vision and practice. Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS). Vol. 46.

Yang, Aileen; Nikolaisen, Kristian Fredrik; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari; Dauge, Franck Rene; Mysen, Mads (2019). Effect of filter type in ventilation systems on NO2 concentrations in classrooms. Johansson, Dennis; Bagge, Hans; Wahlström, Åsa (Red.). Cold Climate HVAC 2018 - Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates. s. 911-921. Springer.

Holand, Nora; Yang, Aileen; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thunshelle, Kari; Mysen, Mads (2019). Should we differentiate ventilation requirements for different user groups?. Johansson, Dennis; Bagge, Hans; Wahlström, Åsa (Red.). Cold Climate HVAC 2018 - Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates. s. 863-872. Springer.

Mysen, Mads ; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Yang, Aileen; Thunshelle, Kari; Schild, Peter (2019). What should the Minimum Ventilation Rate Be in a Demand-Controlled Ventilation Strategy?. Johansson, Dennis; Bagge, Hans; Wahlström, Åsa (Red.). Cold Climate HVAC 2018 - Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates. s. 339-349. Springer.

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