Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Omland, Maren
; Hontvedt, Magnus; Siddiq, Fazilat; Amundrud, Anja;
Hermansen, Hege
; Mathisen, Maiken Andrea Simmersholm;
Rudningen, Gudrun
; Reiersen, Frederick Alexander
Co-creation in higher education: a conceptual systematic review.
Higher Education.
Omland, Maren (2024). Samtavla: Mikroblogging som støtte til lærende samtaler. Stenseth, Tonje; Oddvik, Morten (Red.). Læring og undervisning i en digital verden . Gyldendal Akademisk.
Omland, Maren
; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Rødnes, Kari Anne
The role of querying: Investigating subject-oriented meaning-making.
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction.
Omland, Maren
Technology-aided meaning-making across participation structures: interruptions, interthinking and synthesising.
International Journal of Educational Research.
Rødnes, Kari Anne; Rasmussen, Ingvill;
Omland, Maren
; Cook, Victoria
Who has power? An investigation of how one teacher led her class towards understanding an academic concept through talking and microblogging.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
Vol. 98.
Omland, Maren
; Rødnes, Kari Anne
Building agency through technology-aided dialogic teaching.
14 s.
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction.
Vol. 26.