Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Strand, Ingrid Rachel
Knutstad, Unni
Havnes, Anton
Sagbakken, Mette
Addressing a critical voice in clinical practice. Experiences from nursing students, teachers, and supervisors - A qualitative study.
12 s.
Nursing Reports.
Vol. 14.
Ereso, Berhane Megerssa;
Sagbakken, Mette
; Gradmann, Christoph; Yimer, Solomon Abebe
Determinants of an unfavorable treatment outcome among tuberculosis patients in the Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia.
Scientific Reports.
Vol. 14:29281.
Bjørnson, Lene Kjelkenes;
Sagbakken, Mette
Life experiences leading to the choice of surgery—A qualitative study exploring reasons behind the choice of undergoing gender affirmative surgery.
Frontiers in Sociology.
Vol. 8.
Ereso, Berhane Megerssa;
Sagbakken, Mette
; Gradmann, Christoph; Yimer, Solomon Abebe
Total delay and associated factors among tuberculosis patients in Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia.
Vol. 18.
Adel, Rabee; Somerville, J; Abuadas, F. H.; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E;
Sagbakken, Mette
Health and well-being of refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, and internally displaced persons under COVID-19: a scoping review.
Frontiers in Public Health.
Vol. 11.
Finstad, Ingrid Rachel Strand
Knutstad, Unni
Havnes, Anton
Sagbakken, Mette
The paradox of an expected level: The assessment of nursing students during clinical practice – A qualitative study.
7 s.
Nurse Education in Practice.
Vol. 61.
Sagbakken, Mette
Bregård, Ida Marie
Varvin, Sverre
“Imagine, 7 Years Without a Future”: A Qualitative Study of Rejected Asylum Seekers' Life Conditions in Norway.
Frontiers in Sociology.
Vol. 7.
Czapka, Elzbieta; Sagbakken, Mette (2022). “Good Care Means that you Make People Happy”. A Qualitative Study on Perceptions Regarding Good Dementia Care among People with Different Ethnic Backgrounds in Norway. Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica. Vol. 23.
Varvin, Sverre
; Vladisavljevic, Ivana; Jovic, Vladimir;
Sagbakken, Mette
“I Have No Capacities That Can Help Me”: Young Asylum Seekers in Norway and Serbia – Flight as Disturbance of Developmental Processes.
Frontiers in Psychology.
Ereso, Berhane Megerssa;
Sagbakken, Mette
; Gradmann, Christoph; Yimer, Solomon Abebe
Treatment outcomes of patients with drug-sensitive tuberculosis under community-based versus facility-based directly observed treatment, short course strategy in Southwest Ethiopia: a prospective cohort study.
9 s.
BMJ Open.
Vol. 11.