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Mona Asbjørnslett

Mona Asbjørnslett



Helsefag   Psykologi   Medisinske fag


Aktive forskningsprosjekter

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Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Drevland, Ingvill ; Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Sveen, Unni ; Groven, Karen Synne (2024). Occupational experiences and their importance for young peoples’ mental health. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 31.

Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie ; Stigen, Linda (2023). "Being Holistic Is a Lot to Ask": A Qualitative, Cross-National Exploration of Occupational Therapists' Perceptions and Experiences of Holistic Practice. Occupational Therapy International. Vol. 2023.

Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Berg, Simon Reidar Vevelstad; Einarsdottir, Védis; Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie (2023). Stranded in the living room: A narrative study of occupational disruption and imbalance as experienced by two Norwegian students during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. 11 s. Journal of Occupational Science (JOS). Vol. 30.

Bjorbækmo, Wenche ; Greve, Anne ; Asbjørnslett, Mona (2022). “This is Not Me” – A Critical Discussion About Methodological Issues Concerning Agency and Participatory Sense-Making in Qualitative Research with Children. International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM). Vol. 21.

Lund, Anne ; Sveen, Unni ; Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti (2022). Livsfaser, overgange og brud i relation til aktivitet. Kristensen, Hanne Kae; Schou, Anne Sofie Bach; Mærsk, Jesper Larsen (Red.). Munksgaard Forlag.

Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Bull, Helen ; Mørk, Gry; Bonsaksen, Tore (2022). First year occupational therapy students’ engagement in learning activities - a qualitative study. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education. Vol. 6.

Patil, Grete Grindal; Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Aurlien, Kristin; Levin, Nina (2019). Gardening as a Meaningful Occupation in Initial Stroke Rehabilitation: An Occupational Therapist Perspective. 15 s. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 7.

Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti; Lund, Anne ; Sveen, Unni ; Asbjørnslett, Mona (2019). Re-creating self-identity and meaning through occupations during expected and unexpected transitions in life. Journal of Occupational Science (JOS). Vol. 26.

Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Bekken, Wenche (2016). Openness to difference: Inclusion in sports occupations for children with (dis)abilities. 12 s. Journal of Occupational Science (JOS). Vol. 23.

Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Engelsrud, Gunn; Helseth, Sølvi (2015). How children with disabilities engage in occupations during a transitional phase. 14 s. Journal of Occupational Science (JOS). Vol. 22.

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