English version
Reidun Norvoll

Reidun Norvoll



Samfunnsvitenskap   Sosiologi


Innovasjon   Medisinsk sosiologi   Forskning på Helsetjenester   Pårørende   Psykisk helse   Tvangsbruk   Citizen Science   Brukermedvirkning i forskning


Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Canto Farachala, Patricia; Norvoll, Reidun ; Brattbakk, Ingar ; Budryte, Paulina (2023). Participatory communication and citizen social science: Lessons learned and new ethical and political challenges. 22 s. Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics. Vol. 25.

Canto Farachala, Patricia; Norvoll, Reidun (2023). Guest Editorial of thematic series YouCount: Action Research and Citizen Social Science. 4 s. International Journal of Action Research. Vol. 19.

Norvoll, Reidun ; Øye, Christine; Skatvedt, Astrid Helene (2022). Like a Social Breath: Homecare’s Contributions to Social Inclusion and Connectedness of Older Adults. Journal of Social Inclusion (JoSI). Vol. 13.

Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth; Norvoll, Reidun ; Sagvaag, Hildegunn (2021). Post-incident Reviews after Restraints – Potential and Pitfalls. Patients' experiences and considerations. 12 s. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.

Lund, Anne ; Holthe, Torhild ; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill ; Karterud, Dag ; Johannessen, Adele Flakke; Lovett, Hilde; Thorstensen, Erik ; Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Zouganeli, Evi ; Norvoll, Reidun ; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie (2021). Involving older adults in technology research and development discussions through dialogue cafés. 14 s. Research Involvement and Engagement. Vol. 26.

Øye, Christine; Norvoll, Reidun ; Vabø, Mia (2021). 'Keeping up appearances' - Negotiating identities of being fit in older age: A multi-site ethnographic study of daily life in contemporary day centres. 17 s. Ageing & Society.

Hestmark, Lars; Romøren, Maria; Heiervang, Kristin S.; Weimand, Bente ; Ruud, Torleif; Norvoll, Reidun ; Hansson, Kristiane Myckland; Norheim, Irene; Aas, Eline; Landeweer, Elisabeth Geke Marjan; Pedersen, Reidar (2020). Implementation of guidelines on family involvement for persons with psychotic disorders in community mental health centres (IFIP): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 20:934.

Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth; Norvoll, Reidun ; Vevatne, Kari; Sagvaag, Hildegunn (2020). Post-incident reviews—a gift to the Ward or just another procedure? Care providers’ experiences and considerations regarding post-incident reviews after restraint in mental health services. A qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 20.

Martinsen, Elin Håkonsen; Weimand, Bente ; Norvoll, Reidun (2019). Does coercion matter? Supporting young next-of-kin in mental health care. Nursing Ethics.

Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth; Norvoll, Reidun ; Aas, Randi Wågø ; Sagvaag, Hildegunn (2019). Post-incident review after restraint in mental health care - a potential for knowledge development, recovery promotion and restraint prevention A scoping review. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 19.

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