Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Solum, Kristina
Abad Colom, Maria
Felberg Radanovic, Tatjana
Havnen, Randi
Strand, Silje Margrete Ohren
Oversettelse i offentlig sektor i Norge – en blindsone i norsk forvaltning?.
Norsk oversetterleksikon.
Havnen, Randi
Fight for focus: attention and agency in sight-translated interaction.
18 s.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice.
Havnen, Randi (2020). Where did the footnote go? How the change of mode in sight translation affects meaning-making. Journal of Specialised Translation.
Havnen, Randi
Multimodal and interactional aspects of sight translation – A critical review.
FITISPos-International Journal (FITISPos-IJ).
Vol. 6.
Nilsen, Anne Birgitta ; Havnen, Randi (2019). Sight Translation: Best Practices in Healthcare and in Training. de V. Souza, Izabel E.T.; Fragkou, Effrossyni (Red.). Handbook of Research on Medical Interpreting. s. 375-396. IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-5225-9308-9.ch0