Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Grung, Rolf Magnus
Johnson, Miriam S.
; Røed, Ragnhild Klingenberg;
Baugerud, Gunn Astrid
Examining the impact of interviewer rejections following “Don't know” responses in forensic interviews of alleged preschool-aged victims of abuse.
Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Vol. 38.
Boyle, Andrew; Abdulla, Samuel; Odrowaz-Coats, Anna; Tah, Jude; Kiss, Julien-Ferencz;
Grung, Rolf Magnus
; Ahlstrøm, Margareta; Marsh, Lynne
Supporting the social inclusion of children and young adults with IDD and psychiatric comorbidities: Auto-biographical narratives of practitioners and academics from Europe.
15 s.
Society Register.
Vol. 7.
Johnson, Miriam S.
; Hyvik, Martine Stordrange; Johansen, Ida Caroline Bråthen; Magnussen, Svein;
Grung, Rolf Magnus
; Røed, Ragnhild Klingenberg;
Pripp, Are Hugo
Baugerud, Gunn Astrid
The Use and Productivity of Visual Aids as Retrieval Support in Police Interviews of Preschool-Aged Victims of Abuse.
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.
Perkowska-Klejman, Anna; Lejzerowicz, Magda; Kiss, Julien-Ferencz; Ortan, Florica;
Grung, Rolf Magnus
Dæhlen, Dag
; Marsh, Lynne; Abdulla, Samuel
Changes in language about IDD, mental illness, disability in different countries in different languages.
10 s.
Language, Discourse & Society (LD&S).
Vol. 10.
Grung, Rolf Magnus
Vandbakk, Monica
; Tverberg, Rune
Forsterkningsbasert behandling av automatisk forsterket problematferd: Matchede eller umatchede forsterkere?.
Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse (NTA).
Vol. 47.
Grung, Rolf Magnus
; Brown, Michael John; Abdulla, Samuel; Kiss, Julien-Ferencz; Ortan, Florica; Odrowaz-Coates, Anna; Sufraz, Mohammad; Tah, Jude; Marsh, Lynne
Social inclusion and people with intellectual disabilities in seven European countries.
10 s.
Learning Disability Practice journal.
Grung, Rolf Magnus (2018). Læringseffekt av podkastundervisning av kommunalt ansatt helse- og omsorgspersonell sammenliknet med læringseffekt av klasseromsundervisning av vernepleierstudenter ved undervisning om funksjonelle analyser: En pilotstudie. Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse (NTA). Vol. 45.
Sam, Abdulla; Brown, Michael;
Grung, Rolf Magnus
Student experiences of an Erasmus+ project on children and young people with complex intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Learning Disability Practice journal.
Vol. 21.
Brown, Michael; Surfraz, Mohammed; Wroldsen, Reidar; Popa, Daiana;
Grung, Rolf Magnus
Improving healthcare access for people with intellectual disabilities in four European countries.
Learning Disability Practice journal.
Vol. 20.
Eikeseth, Svein
Grung, Rolf Magnus
Environmental enrichment and stereotypic behavior.
14 s.
European Journal of Behavior Analysis (EJOBA).