Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter
Kan motiverende intervju bidra til raskere retur til arbeid for sykemeldte med muskelskjelettlidelser? (MI-NAV)
Har Motiverende Intervju (MI) effekt på raskere retur-til-arbeid hos sykemeldte med muskelskjelettsmerter?
Kunstig intelligens mot rygg- og nakkeplager (AID-Spine, del 1)
Vi bruker maskinlæring for å utvikle persontilpassede og bærekraftige helsetiltak for personer med rygg- og nakkeplager.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Venter, Martjie;
Grotle, Margreth
Øiestad, Britt Elin
; Aanesen, Fiona; Tingulstad, Alexander;
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
; Ferraro, Michael; McAuley, James H.; Cashin, Aidan G.
Treatment Effect Modifiers for Return-to-Work in Patients With Musculoskeletal Disorders.
Journal of Pain.
Vol. 25.
Killingmo, Rikke Munk
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
; Maas, Esther;
Pripp, Are Hugo
; Aanesen, Fiona; Tingulstad, Alexander;
Tveter, Anne Therese
Øiestad, Britt Elin
Grotle, Margreth
Modifiable prognostic factors of high societal costs among people on sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders: a replication study.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.
Vol. 25.
Killingmo, Rikke Munk
Tveter, Anne Therese
Pripp, Are Hugo
; Tingulstad, Alexander; Maas, Esther;
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
Grotle, Margreth
Modifiable prognostic factors of high societal costs among people on sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders: findings from an occupational cohort study.
BMJ Open.
Vol. 14.
Aasdahl, Lene; Standal, Martin Inge; Hagen, Roger; Solbjør, Marit; Bagøien, Gunnhild; Fossen, Heidi; Foldal, Vegard; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon;
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
Grotle, Margreth
; Johnsen, Roar; Fors, Egil Andreas
Effectiveness of 'motivational interviewing' on sick leave: a randomized controlled trial in a social insurance setting.
9 s.
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health.
Vol. 49.
Cashin, Aidan G.;
Øiestad, Britt Elin
; Aanesen, Fiona;
Storheim, Kjersti
; Tingulstad, Alexander;
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
; Lee, Hopin; McAuley, James H.; Sowden, Gail; Wynne-Jones, Gwenllian;
Tveter, Anne Therese
Grotle, Margreth
Mechanisms of vocational interventions for return to work from musculoskeletal conditions: a mediation analysis of the MI-NAV trial.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Vol. 80.
Tingulstad, Alexander; Maas, Esther;
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
Øiestad, Britt Elin
; Aanesen, Fiona;
Pripp, Are Hugo
; Van Tulder, Maurits;
Grotle, Margreth
Six-month cost-effectiveness of adding motivational interviewing or a stratified vocational advice intervention to usual case management for workers with musculoskeletal disorders: the MI-NAV economic evaluation.
11 s.
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology.
Vol. 18.
Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse
Storheim, Kjersti
Killingmo, Rikke Munk
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
Pripp, Are Hugo
; van der Gaag, Wendelien; Chiarotto, Alessandro; Koes, Bart W.;
Grotle, Margreth
External validation and updating of prognostic prediction models for nonrecovery among older adults seeking primary care for back pain.
9 s.
Vol. 164.
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
Grotle, Margreth
; Aasdahl, Lene; Dunn, Kate;
Tveter, Anne Therese
Identification and Characterisation of Trajectories of Sickness Absence Due to Musculoskeletal Pain: A 1-Year Population-based Study.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation.
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
Grotle, Margreth
; Aasdahl, Lene; Hill, Jonathan C.; Dunn, Kate M.; Tingulstad, Alexander;
Tveter, Anne Therese
Stratifying workers on sick leave due to musculoskeletal pain: translation, cross-cultural adaptation and construct validity of the Norwegian Keele STarT MSK tool.
Scandinavian Journal of Pain.
Vol. 22.
Aanesen, Fiona;
Grotle, Margreth
Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth
Tveter, Anne Therese
; Tingulstad, Alexander; Løchting, Ida;
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova
; van Tulder, Maurits W.; Berg, Rigmor; Foster, Nadine E.; Wynne-Jones, Gwenllian; Sowden, Gail; Fors, Egil Andreas; Bagøien, Gunnhild Irene; Hagen, Roger;
Storheim, Kjersti
Øiestad, Britt Elin
Effectiveness of adding motivational interviewing or a stratified vocational advice intervention to usual case management on return to work for people with musculoskeletal disorders: The MI-NAV randomised controlled trial.
8 s.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Vol. 80.