Kort om
- Academic interests: mathematical quantum chemistry
- Research: Andre’s research interest is mathematical quantum chemistry. During his PhD he worked on the mathematical formulation of density-functional theory for systems included magnetic fields. After that Andre focused for many years on coupled-cluster theory and its many variants and with a special interest to be able to describe also excited states and not just the ground state. Most central to Andre´s research at the moment is the Moreau-Yosida regularization and its application in density-functional theory.
- Current projects: PI of two projects REGAL (ERC funded) and CCerror (RCN funded). The ERC funded project REGAL (https://uni.oslomet.no/regal/) started Sept. 2022. The aim of this project is to investigate density-functional theory in a lossless (Moreau-Yosida) regularized setting.
- Academic Degrees (from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden):
- Master of Science in Biotechnology (September 2008, final grade: 5.0/5.0, Thesis 5.0/5.0)
- Ph.D in applied mathematics (June 2014, supervisor: M. Benedicks, co-supervisors: A. Szepessy and O. Vahtras)
- Teachings:
- Spring 2023: MEK2200 Statistics and Risk Management
- Autumn 2023: ACIT4310 Applied and Computational Mathematics
Teoretisk kjemi, kvantekjemi Fysikk Anvendt matematikk Kondenserte fasers fysikk Matematisk modellering og numeriske metoder Elektromagnetisme, akustikk, optikk
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Csirik, Mihaly Andras
Laestadius, Andre
Tellgren, Erik
Thermodynamic limit for the magnetic uniform electron gas and representability of density-current pairs.
Journal of Mathematical Physics.
Vol. 65.
Bakkestuen, Vebjørn Hallberg
Falmår, Vegard
Lotfigolian, Maryam
Penz, Markus
; Ruggenthaler, Michael;
Laestadius, Andre
Quantum-Electrodynamical Density-Functional Theory Exemplified by the Quantum Rabi Model.
Bakkestuen, Vebjørn Hallberg
Csirik, Mihaly Andras
Laestadius, Andre
Penz, Markus
Quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory for the Dicke Hamiltonian.
Herbst, Michael F.;
Bakkestuen, Vebjørn Hallberg
Laestadius, Andre
Kohn-Sham inversion with mathematical guarantees.
Laestadius, Andre
Csirik, Mihaly Andras
Penz, Markus
; Tancogne-Dejean, Nicolas; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Rubio, Angel; Helgaker, Trygve
Exchange-only virial relation from the adiabatic connection.
Journal of Chemical Physics.
Vol. 160.
Tancogne-Dejean, Nicolas; Penz, Markus;
Laestadius, Andre
Csirik, Mihaly Andras
; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Rubio, Angel
Exchange energies with forces in density-functional theory.
Journal of Chemical Physics.
Vol. 160.
Faulstich, Fabian M.; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil;
Csirik, Mihaly Andras
; Kvaal, Simen; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo;
Laestadius, Andre
The S-diagnostic - an a posteriori error assessment for single-reference coupled-cluster methods.
14 s.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Vol. 127.
Faulstich, Fabian M.;
Laestadius, Andre
Homotopy continuation methods for coupled-cluster theory in quantum chemistry.
9 s.
Molecular Physics.
Penz, Markus;
Tellgren, Erik Ingemar
Csirik, Mihaly Andras
; Ruggenthaler, Michael;
Laestadius, Andre
The Structure of the Density-Potential Mapping. Part II: Including Magnetic Fields.
ACS Physical Chemistry Au.
Penz, Markus;
Tellgren, Erik Ingemar
Csirik, Mihaly Andras
; Ruggenthaler, Michael;
Laestadius, Andre
The Structure of Density-Potential Mapping. Part I: Standard Density-Functional Theory.
ACS Physical Chemistry Au.
Vol. 3.