Kort om
- Academic interests: mathematical quantum chemistry
- Research: Andre’s research interest is mathematical quantum chemistry. During his PhD he worked on the mathematical formulation of density-functional theory for systems included magnetic fields. After that Andre focused for many years on coupled-cluster theory and its many variants and with a special interest to be able to describe also excited states and not just the ground state. Most central to Andre´s research at the moment is the Moreau-Yosida regularization and its application in density-functional theory.
- Current projects: PI of two projects REGAL (ERC funded) and CCerror (RCN funded). The ERC funded project REGAL (https://uni.oslomet.no/regal/) started Sept. 2022. The aim of this project is to investigate density-functional theory in a lossless (Moreau-Yosida) regularized setting.
- Academic Degrees (from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden):
- Master of Science in Biotechnology (September 2008, final grade: 5.0/5.0, Thesis 5.0/5.0)
- Ph.D in applied mathematics (June 2014, supervisor: M. Benedicks, co-supervisors: A. Szepessy and O. Vahtras)
- Teachings:
- Spring 2023: MEK2200 Statistics and Risk Management
- Autumn 2023: ACIT4310 Applied and Computational Mathematics