English version
Anne Kanutta Hexeberg

Anne Kanutta Hexeberg

Administrative arbeidsområder

Lederutvikling   Organisasjonsutvikling   Rekruttering

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater


Weimand, Bente ; Hexeberg, Anne ; Falkov, Adrian; Grant, Anne; Donaghy, Mary (2018). Family Focused Practice - e-Learning program for Health personnel.

Weimand, Bente ; Hexeberg, Anne ; Falkov, Adrian; Grant, Anne (2018). Familiefokusert arbeid - e-læringskurs for helsepersonell.

Weimand, Bente ; Hexeberg, Anne ; Tallaksen, Dag Willy; Haukland, Magne ; Grant, Anne; Falkov, Adrian (2017). Integration of the Family Model into educational programs. Diggins, Marie (Red.). Learning from success Improving practice and working together across health and social care. s. 27-32. Pavilion.

Weimand, Bente ; Grant, Anne; Hexeberg, Anne ; Tallaksen, Dag Willy; Haukland, Magne ; Falkov, Adrian (2016). Integration of The Family Model in educational programs to promote clinicians’ capacity to engage in family focused practice. Transgenerational Mental Health. 5th. int conference on Families and Children with Parental Mental Challenges. Swiss Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

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