English version
Anne Storaker

Anne Storaker

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Storaker, Anne ; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo ; Sæteren, Berit (2022). Ethical challenges and lack of ethical language in nurse leadership. Nursing Ethics. Vol. 29.

Storaker, Anne ; Sæteren, Berit ; Nåden, Dagfinn (2017). Hindrances to achieve professional confidence: The nurse’s participation in ethical decision-making. 13 s. Nursing Ethics. Vol. 26.

Storaker, Anne ; Nåden, Dagfinn ; Sæteren, Berit (2016). From painful busyness to emotional immunization: Nurses' experiences of ethical challenges. 13 s. Nursing Ethics. Vol. 24.

Storaker, Anne ; Hauge, Solveig (2012). Satisfied physicians and frustrated nurses : A study on communication concerning sedation and pain relief. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning. Vol. 2.

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