English version
Anouk Brisebois

Anouk Brisebois

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Brisebois, Anouk (2024). Exploring Livelihood Trajectories: Stories from Migrant Women in Bangladesh. Forum for Development Studies.

Brisebois, Anouk ; Eriksen, Siri Ellen Hallstrøm; Crane, Todd Andrew (2022). The Politics of Governing Resilience: Gendered Dimensions of Climate-Smart Agriculture in Kenya. 17 s. Frontiers in Climate. Vol. 4.

van Oort, Bob; Lund, Marianne Tronstad; Brisebois, Anouk (2022). Climate Change in Northern Regions. Tryland, Morten (Red.). Arctic One Health - Challenges for Northern Animals and People. s. 79-119. Springer Nature.

Sillmann, Jana; Aunan, Kristin; Emberson, Lisa; Büker, Patrick; van Oort, Bob; O'Neill, Connie; Otero, Noelia; Pandey, Divya; Brisebois, Anouk (2021). Combined impacts of climate and air pollution on human health and agricultural productivity. Environmental Research Letters. Vol. 16.

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