English version
Ann Helen Torstveit

Ann Helen Torstveit



Klinisk kreftforskning   Psykososial kreftomsorg   Kreftsykepleie   Kreftbehandling   Eldre Kreftpasienter


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Kleven, Anne Grethe ; Miaskowski, Christine; Torstveit, Ann Helen ; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Engh, Marie Ellström; Andersen, Elin; Utne, Inger (2023). Quality of life of older gynecologic oncology patients at the initiation of chemotherapy. Nursing Open. Vol. 10.

Torstveit, Ann Helen ; Miaskowski, Christine; Løyland, Borghild ; Grov, Ellen Karine ; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Paul, Steven M; Engh, Anna Marie Ellström; Utne, Inger (2022). Characteristics associated with decrements in objective measures of physical function in older patients with cancer during chemotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer. Vol. 30.

Utne, Inger ; Stokke, Kjersti ; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Løyland, Borghild ; Grov, Ellen Karine ; Rasmussen, Hege Lund; Lindemann, Kristina Yvonne Kathe; Paul, Steven M; Torstveit, Ann Helen ; Miaskowski, Christine (2022). Changes in Subjective Measures of Cognitive Function in Older Adults From the Initiation Through 12 Months After the Receipt of Chemotherapy. Cancer Nursing. Vol. 46.

Torstveit, Ann Helen ; Miaskowski, Christine; Løyland, Borghild ; Grov, Ellen Karine ; Guren, Marianne Grønlie; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Paul, Steven M.; Kleven, Anne Grethe ; Utne, Inger (2021). Common and distinct characteristics associated with self-reported functional status in older patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Vol. 54:102033.

Utne, Inger ; Løyland, Borghild ; Grov, Ellen Karine ; Rasmussen, Hege Lund; Torstveit, Ann Helen ; Paul, Steven M.; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Lindemann, Kristina Yvonne Kathe; Vistad, Ingvild; Rodriguez-Aranda, Claudia; Miaskowski, Christine (2021). Age-related differences in self-report and objective measures of cognitive function in older patients prior to chemotherapy. 12 s. Nursing Open.

Gaudernack, Henrik; Hareide, Martine; Miaskowski, Christine; Ritchie, Christine; Løyland, Borghild ; Grov, Ellen Karine ; Paul, Steven M; Torstveit, Ann Helen ; Utne, Inger (2021). Symptom experience of older oncology patients with low versus high levels of multimorbidity prior to chemotherapy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Vol. 54.

Torstveit, Ann Helen ; Løyland, Borghild ; Grov, Ellen Karine ; Guren, Marianne; Paul, Steven M.; Ritchie, Christine; Vistad, Ingvild; Miaskowski, Christine; Utne, Inger (2021). Distinctions Between Self-Report and Performance-Based Measures of Physical Function in Older Patients Prior to Chemotherapy. Cancer Nursing. Vol. 44.

Utne, Inger ; Løyland, Borghild ; Grov, Ellen Karine ; Rasmussen, Hege Lund; Torstveit, Ann Helen ; Cooper, Bruce A.; Mastick, Judy; Mazor, Melissa; Wong, Melisa; Paul, Steven M.; Conley, Thierry Jahan; Jahan, Thierry; Ritchie, Christine; Levine, John D.; Miaskowski, Christine (2018). Distinct attentional function profiles in older adults receiving cancer chemotherapy. 8 s. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. Vol. 36.

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