Bioteknologi Miljøteknologi Matematikk og naturvitenskap
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Bakos, Vince; Qiu, Yuge; Nierychlo, Marta; Nielsen, Per Halkjær;
Plosz, Benedek
Biokinetic soft-sensing using Thiothrix and Ca. Microthrix bacteria to calibrate secondary settling, aeration and N<inf>2</inf>O emission digital twins.
Water Research.
Vol. 275.
Plosz, Benedek
Antimicrobial risk assessment–Aggregating aquatic chemical and resistome emissions.
Water Research.
Plosz, Benedek
The adsorption of drugs on nanoplastics has severe biological impact.
Scientific Reports.
Vol. 14.
Qiu, Yuge; Bakos, Vince; Stewart-Campbell, Nyle;
Plosz, Benedek
Dynamic α-factor models for fine-bubble- and surface aeration – impact of settleability and implications on N<inf>2</inf>O emission.
9 s.
Chemical Engineering Journal.
Vol. 488.
Qiu, Yuge; Ekström, Sara; Valverde-Pérez, Borja; Smets, Barth F.; Climent, Javier; Domingo-Félez, Carlos; Cuenca, Raúl Martínez;
Plosz, Benedek
Numerical modelling of surface aeration and N2O emission in biological water resource recovery.
13 s.
Water Research.
Vol. 255.
Qiu, Yuge; Hug, Thomas; Wágner, Dorottya S.; Smets, Barth F.; Valverde-Pérez, Borja;
Plosz, Benedek
Dynamic calibration of a new secondary settler model using Cand. Microthrix as a predictor of settling velocity.
10 s.
Water Research.
Vol. 246.
Plosz, Benedek
The transition of WRRF models to digital twin applications.
Water Science and Technology.
Plosz, Benedek (2021). Optimal influent N-to-P ratio for stable microalgal cultivation in water treatment and nutrient recovery. Chemosphere.
Plosz, Benedek
Quantifying the sources of uncertainty in calculating the limiting flux in secondary settling tanks using iCFD.
Water Science and Technology.
Plosz, Benedek
Hindered and compression solid settling velocity functions – Practical model identification and validation.
Water Research.